The coronavirus was epidemic in Italy in September-much earlier than first thought
According to a new study, the coronavirus may have been prevalent in Italy as early as September 2019.
A study by the National Cancer Institute in Milan has released new data from Italian researchers, showing that Covid-19 may have spread from China sooner than previously thought.
On January 30, the Secretary-General of the World Health Organization said a public health emergency of international concern about the outbreak of a new coronavirus after the outbreak was first reported in Wuhan, central China in December. I declared.
Mattia Maestri, Italy’s first Covid-19 patient, was discovered on February 21 in a small town near Milan in northern Lombardy. According to the latest figures, the country reports a total of more than 1.1 people. Since then, 1 million viral cases.
However, according to the latest findings published by the National Cancer Institute (INT) scientific journal Tumori Journal, 959 healthy volunteers enrolled in lung cancer screening trials between September 2019 and March 2020. 11.6% developed coronavirus antibodies well before February.
The University of Siena conducted a more specific SARS-CoV-2 antibody test for the same study entitled “Unexpected Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in the Pre-Pandemic Period in Italy”.
Four cases dating back to the first week of October also showed positive for virus-neutralizing antibodies. This means that you were infected in September. Giovanni Apolone, co-author of this study, revealed.
Apollonet said: “This is the main finding. People without symptoms were not only positive after the serological test, but also had antibodies that could kill the virus.
“It means that the new coronavirus can circulate between populations for a long time and with low mortality, not because it has disappeared, but just because it surges again.”
Italian researchers said in March the number of cases of severe pneumonia and influenza in Lombardy in the fourth quarter of 2019 as a sign that the new coronavirus may have spread earlier than previously thought. Said he reported more than usual.
The first known case of Covid-19 in Wales was confirmed on February 27. Mark Hosking tested positive After returning from a ski trip to the Lombardy region of Italy.
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However, other countries believe that there were cases in late 2019.
Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell has revealed that the country is likely to have had a coronavirus case in November last year.
And French doctors claimed to have seen the first coronavirus patient in December, weeks before the first officially recorded case.
Dr. Yves Cohen, director of resuscitation at several hospitals in Ile-de-France, Paris, said a sample test of new patients confirmed the presence of the virus in France shortly after Christmas 2019.
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