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Arthritic drugs may improve covid-19 survival in older patients: study

Arthritic drugs may improve covid-19 survival in older patients: study


In the study, it was published in the journal Science AdvancesA drug called baricitinib was given to 83 patients with a median age of 81 years and suffering from moderate to severe COVID-19 infection.

This drug was initially identified by scientists Imperial College London In the UK, artificial intelligence (AI) is used as a drug that may have antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.

In this study, patients admitted to multiple hospitals in Italy and Spain had a 71% reduction in their risk of dying compared to those who did not take the drug.

In this study, only 17% of patients who received the drug died or had to use mechanical ventilation, compared with 35% of the non-drug control group.

The research team says the findings are being followed up in a large clinical trial.

“While waiting for the vaccine to become widely available, we need to urgently find a more effective treatment for COVID-19,” said Professor Justin Steving, co-lead author of the study at Imperial College London. Stated.

“This is one of the first COVID-19 treatments to move from a computer to a clinic or laboratory. Thousands of potentially acting against this virus, first identified by an AI algorithm in February. We scanned for potential drugs, “says Stebbing.

The study suggests that the drug can help patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 recover and may provide a new weapon of weapons against the virus, researchers say. It was.

The team raised a miniature human organ called an organoid in the lab to investigate how accurately the drug would fight COVID-19.

Research has revealed that the drug may help work in two ways: reducing the damage to organs caused by inflammation, and blocking the virus from entering human cells.

When infected with the COVID-19 virus called SARS-CoV-2, the body releases various types of inflammatory molecules called chemokines and cytokines.

These molecules act as the body’s early warning system, telling the immune system that the body is under attack.

However, in the case of COVID-19, certain cytokines and chemokines, including what are called interleukins and interferons, make this warning system out of control and cause so-called cytokine storms.

Studies have shown that this cytokine storm not only causes serious damage to body organs, but also helps the virus access into human cells.

This study showed that certain cytokines, called interferons, increase the number of viral receptors or docking points.

Doing this effectively lowers the drawbridge and allows the virus to invade cells in the body, the researchers said.

They found that the drug prevented the development of this process and increased survival from COVID-19.

The study also suggested that COVID-19 increases the activity of genes associated with platelets, which may make blood sticky and facilitate the formation of blood clots. The drug baricitinib has been shown to reduce gene activity.

“This study confirms what AI predicted and what we heard from patient case reports. For example, one case involved an 87-year-old severely ill patient living in Foggia, Italy. The patient showed a rapid improvement after receiving the drug. The son who did not receive varicitinib died. ” Professor Volker Rauske, co-lead author of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, said.

“This study also revealed exactly how this drug protects us at the cellular level, as it helps identify other treatments that may address COVID. , Helps to understand why other types of drugs are beneficial or not beneficial-19, “Rauske said.

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