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How middle-aged queer men have been infected with HIV / AIDS for over 40 years

How middle-aged queer men have been infected with HIV / AIDS for over 40 years


Toronto-Despite being part of the population facing an increased risk of becoming infected with HIV, researchers found that many middle-aged men (MSMs) who have sex with men were outbreaks 40 years ago. He says he has shown considerable resilience to the virus since its inception.

Researchers are now using different resources, personal strengths, and protective factors between those who have been tested positive for the virus and those who have not, in order to provide better information on future public health policies. I’m trying to investigate.

“From the beginning, it was important to carry out research that leverages the vast knowledge that can be derived from the perspective and living experience of middle-aged and older MSM, the most HIV / AIDS-affected population in North America. Rainier Ribolo said in an email to CTV News: “Also, the strength of focusing on resilience to the clinical and social impacts of HIV / AIDS is a best research topic to investigate. I conclude that there is. “

In conducting the study, scientists interviewed 55 men in Ontario who were over 40 years old and had varying HIV status.

by the studyThe presence of established LGBTQ + communities in downtown Toronto and other urban areas of Ontario, the majority of participants, will get the important word-of-mouth information needed to better understand HIV / AIDS. I agreed to be a big resource above. Participants also expressed value at community health clinics and LGBTQ + nonprofits.

“It’s great to have a gay doctor! You don’t have to explain that much,” said one participant who went under the pseudonym Abe.

In terms of conservation behavior, participants noted that the effects of volunteering, meaningful sexual relations, and the loss of many lives in the first 20 years of the epidemic helped build resilience against HIV / AIDS. It was said that it was a factor.

“I saw a lot of my friends fall like flies … it scared me shit!” One participant said he was given the pseudonym Vic.

Following the catastrophic trauma of the epidemic’s worst year, participants noticed effects such as paranoia, survivor guilt, social isolation, depression, decreased libido and / or singleness.

A quarter of respondents who identified living with HIV said they may not have survived the early stages of the epidemic without the use of recreational drugs such as marijuana and illegal substances. It was.

Participants were aware that they could be dealt with in other ways, but stated that at that point in their lives, the use of drugs was the best and only option.

“It sounds strange, but if I hadn’t had the medicine all the time, I might not have lasted this long,” said one participant under the pseudonym Dan.

By volunteering with LGBTQ + or AIDS service organizations, participants can access more reliable information about HIV / AIDS, reduce their risk of being infected with the virus, and provide social and hands-on support. He states that he had the opportunity to receive and provide. Return to the community.

Researchers say that personal strengths such as HIV / AIDS-related situational aggressiveness, self-awareness, and self-control have contributed significantly to increased resilience to the virus.

Studies show that men are not only willing to study important information and look for doctors who can help reduce risk factors, but also strictly follow medical advice, as well as future futures. They were also active in sexual choices with their partners, as they clearly communicated their needs to their healthcare and service providers.

Despite all these factors, participants still reported some barriers that researchers say are affecting public health.

“There were barriers such as problematic substance use (especially sexual activity), internalized social homo / bi / transphobia, and HIV stigma, which many participants experienced and discussed,” the study said. I am.

Other barriers to building resilience to HIV / AIDS include homelessness, racism, and living in rural areas away from LGBTQ + resources and medical services, which are common in downtown Toronto and other urban areas. Includes the disadvantages of.

“”[Participants] Very aware that their resilience to HIV / AIDS was developed by a combination of their own personal strengths, coveted community-level resources, and their own situation and protection factors specific to the situation. It was, “says Libor.

He added: “For us as a society, we strengthen these personal strengths, community-level resources, and protective factors by supporting or developing existing services, programs, and policies in the community that are already promoting them. It’s important to find an effective way to do it, and create something new that will. ”


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