Excessive egg intake associated with increased risk of diabetes: study

The effects of eggs on health have been debated for years. They were once afraid to increase their risk of heart disease by raising cholesterol levels. However, a 30-year study recently published by the British Medical Journal found that moderate egg intake (once daily) was not associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease that could cause a heart attack or stroke. Was suggested.
On the other hand, the association between egg consumption and diabetes is not conclusive after observational studies linking increased egg consumption and increased risk of diabetes in adults in China.
The new study was conducted by the University of South Australia in partnership with China Medical University and Qatar University. The longitudinal study (1991-2009) was the first study to assess egg consumption in a large sample of adults in China.
People who regularly consumed one or more eggs (equivalent to 50 grams) per day were found to increase their risk of diabetes by 60%.
Dr. Ming Li of UniSA said increasing diabetes is a growing concern in China, where traditional Chinese dietary changes are affecting health.
“Because diet is a known and modifiable factor that contributes to the development of type 2 diabetes, it is important to understand the range of dietary factors that can affect the increased prevalence of this disease.”Dr. Lee said.
“Over the last few decades, China has experienced substantial nutritional changes, with more people moving from traditional diets containing grains and vegetables to more meat, snacks and energy-dense foods. We are moving to a processed diet.
“At the same time, egg consumption is steadily increasing. From 1991 to 2009, the number of egg eaters in China almost doubled.”
The study consisted of 8,545 adults (mean age 50 years). Between 1991 and 2009, researchers continued that the average daily consumption of eggs increased from 16 grams in 1991-93 to 26 grams in 2000-2004 and 31 grams in 2009. I found that it increased to.
International egg consumption during the same period was 33.65 g / day in Europe. 28.43g / day in the United States. 20.56g / day in Asia. 18.20g / day in Oceania (including Australia). 5.93g / day in Africa. And 21.45g / day in the world.
“Although the link between eating eggs and diabetes is often discussed, this study aims to assess people’s long-term egg consumption and risk of developing diabetes, as determined by fasting blood glucose. It is said.
“We found that high long-term egg intake (more than 38 grams per day) increased the risk of diabetes in adults in China by about 25%.
“In addition, adults who ate more eggs (more than 50 grams per day, or equivalent to one egg) on ​​a regular basis had a 60% increased risk of diabetes.”
This effect was more pronounced in women than in men.
Dr. Li suggests that high egg intake is positively associated with the risk of diabetes in Chinese adults, but further research is needed to investigate the causal relationship. Said there is.
“Overcoming diabetes requires a multifaceted approach that includes not only research, but a set of clear guidelines that can help inform and guide the general public. This research is its long-term goal. It’s a step towards. “
‘egg It’s an excellent source of protein and can form part of a healthy diet. “
The British Nutrition Foundation noted in an observational study that it did not prove an association between eggs and diabetes.
“This study suggests that an association was found between increased egg consumption and risk of diabetes in adults in China, but this observation is responsible for the increased risk of diabetes in this population. It does not prove that it was an increase in egg consumption over time. “A BNF spokesman told the publication.
Other studies investigating this potential association found mixed results. This may be due to other risk factors for diabetes in the study population, or different dietary patterns found in people who tend to eat more eggs.
A BNF spokesman added: “Eggs are not only an excellent source of protein, but also provide many nutrients, including vitamin D, folic acid, iodine, and omega-3s. Current British government advice is on how many eggs people should eat. There are no recommended restrictions, so eggs can be included as part of a healthy and balanced diet and should only be restricted if recommended by a GP or nutritionist. “
“Misleading and dishonest”
The UK egg information service has gone a step further. He complained that the reported conclusions of this study could be misleading because they did not accurately represent the findings. Dr. Juliet Gray, a registered dietitian, said: “It seems clear from the findings, and in fact the authors observe that people who consume the most eggs have a poor diet, eat eggs with” fast food “and” fried foods “and have a high BMI. doing. High blood pressure, blood lipids and, of course, an increased incidence of diabetes. It seems dishonest to disapprove of this in the summary.
“In one of the models analyzed, the risk of diabetes is actually increased when egg consumption is reduced, but the authors are based on the most compliant group who participated in all measurements from 1991 to 2009. Selectively quoted from another “sensitivity” analysis.
“Also, while the female results were statistically significant, there was no observation in the summary that there was no statistical significance between the male quartile egg consumption and the risk of diabetes. The debate about is limited and the conclusion is that it’s all about. Adults. “
Wang, Y., Li, M. and Zumin, S. (2020) “Increased Egg Consumption Related to Increased Risk of Diabetes in Adults in China-Survey on Health and Nutrition in China” British Journal of Nutrition..
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