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Millions of people miss the latest treatments for tuberculosis


Millions of people around the world miss the latest treatments tuberculosis, Experts warn.

The fight against tuberculosis (a respiratory disease that can be prevented and treated but kills more than 1.4 million people each year) is chronically underfunded and has not been diagnosed and treated in the millions. ..

The Stop TB Partnership (STBP) states that many countries where the disease is most prevalent are still treating patients in outdated ways, and the progress made by delaying the prevalence of tuberculosis by the Covid-19 pandemic. Warned that it would be compromised.

“Tuberculosis can be prevented and treated, but it remains the largest murderer of infectious diseases,” said Lucica Ditiu, Secretary-General of STBP. “To make matters worse, most countries still use outdated policies, practices and treatments.”

Dr. Ditiu added: “None of us wants to be diagnosed and treated with obsolete ones, we all want access to the latest, and how we are at Covid every day. Check if there is a new one [treatments and vaccines].. So it needs to be the case with tuberculosis. “

The· STBP Annual Progress Report We investigated how the disease is treated in 37 countries where tuberculosis is widespread. It was found that nearly 40% of the country still treats drug-resistant illnesses with injectable therapies. The course is painful, long and not always effective.

Drug-resistant tuberculosis is also chronically underdiagnosed, accounting for only 5,500 of the approximately 30,000 new cases of children diagnosed each year. “We need to be better,” said Maxime Lunga, STPB of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

“More than 4,000 people die of tuberculosis every day. It’s a modern tragedy.”

Dr. Ditiu outlined the major differences in how tuberculosis research was organized and funded compared to tuberculosis.

“There is 47 vaccines in human trial of Covid-19, All developed within a year, “she said. “For tuberculosis, there is only one vaccine in human clinical trials over the years.”

She said tuberculosis vaccines will not be online until 2027, even if current funding levels are maintained.

United Nations Grania Bridden on tuberculosis and lung disease said that if the world had taken steps to fight tuberculosis, it would have been in a stronger position to fight Covid-19.

“What we see today as a result of the failure of promises and the failure of public health regarding the number of people who die or become infected with tuberculosis or Covid-19,” said the International Anti-TB Union Grania Brigden said. And lung disease.

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