British Columbia experts show that prenatal care remains important in COVID, and US studies show increased risk – Vancouver Island Free Daily

A BC professor says it’s important to be careful for women who are thinking of becoming pregnant during a pandemic, but the risk is not high enough to postpone it.
Dr. Deborah Money, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology and medicine at the University of British Columbia’s School of Population and Public Health, said two recent studies from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention helped provide guidance to families north of the border. Said.
“That’s really important information, but we have to put it into the context,” Money told Black Press Media over the phone. “The overall risk of pregnant women with COVID-19 infections having serious problems is very low … but this data suggests that pregnant and non-pregnant women may have a slightly higher risk of complications. It is important to recognize that there is. “
Money’s statement is based on two recently published US studies. The first, released on November 6, examined 400,000 women aged 15 to 44 years with symptomatological cases of COVID-19. Analysis of the data revealed that “intensive care unit admissions, invasive ventilation, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, and death were more common in pregnant women than in non-pregnant women.” It was. In addition, researchers found that pregnant women aged 35 to 44 years with COVID-19 are “almost four times more likely to require invasive ventilation and twice more likely to die than non-pregnant women of the same age.” I found that there is.
The second US CDC study examined 3,912 babies born to COVID-19 mothers. Researchers have found that 12.9% of these babies are preterm and are defined as pre-37 weeks gestation, compared to 10.2% of the general population. Of the 610 babies tested for COVID-19, 2.6% were virus-positive and were born to women infected at birth.
Of the 3,912 babies born to SARS-CoV-2 infected women with known gestational ages, 12.9% were preterm ()
In British Columbia, Abbotsford’s mother is in a coma after giving birth to a boy after being infected with COVID-19. Gil Mackintosh first began to feel sick in early November, and after getting worse, he was seen by a doctor after nausea and inability to eat. As of Sunday (November 15th), Mackintosh is reported to be in stable condition, but remains on ventilator.
However, the high risk of pregnancy during a pandemic may be a reason for women to consult a doctor, but Money says that women at the highest risk (elderly with pre-existing conditions such as asthma, obesity, and diabetes). Those) said they should have already taken extra precautions, whether they were planning a pregnancy or not.
“Currently, we do not recommend refraining from becoming pregnant, but pregnant women are strongly encouraged to specifically adhere to the recommendations for physical distance, masking, hand washing and contact restrictions,” she said. Told.
Of particular concern to women’s health professionals is the tendency to be wary of visiting health care professionals for fear of exposing pregnant women to the virus.
“There is a potential risk of pregnancy because it cannot be properly monitored,” Money said. For women who develop COVID-19 during pregnancy, Money said that symptoms such as shortness of breath and chest paint need to be “very careful” to get worse.
“They have to be evaluated. They shouldn’t be afraid to stay home [from appointments].. “
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