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Innovative 3D color list scanner tested in international exams

Innovative 3D color list scanner tested in international exams
Innovative 3D color list scanner tested in international exams


Invented by a professor at the University of Otago, Christchurch, the innovative compact 3D color list scanner will soon be tested in large international clinical trials. This development follows a promising pilot study of New Zealand orthopedic patients.

More than a decade ago, radiologist Professor Anthony Butler and his father Phil began developing X-ray-based scanners that produce clearer color images than existing radiologists. They have developed a “MARS” scanner that produces high-resolution 3D color images using technology adopted by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

In 2018, after years of research involving the University of Otago and the University of Canterbury (Phil Butler is a professor of physics), the MARS team scanned the first human body. After that, we will develop a special compact scanner for diagnosing hand and wrist injuries and will start clinical trials in early 2021 at sites in New Zealand and Europe. Patients in Christchurch’s overtime clinic and Lausanne University Hospital in Switzerland are scanned as part of the first phase of a clinical trial.

International clinical trials will be conducted by MARS Bioimaging Ltd (MBI) and the University of Canterbury, a company established to commercialize inventions. The study enrolls up to 150 patients per year at the two identified centers.

In a 2019 Christchurch Orthopedic Patient Feasibility Study, Anthony Butler said wrist scanners could generate images comparable to current CT and provide MRI information to improve diagnosis. Stated. Read the summary of the feasibility study.

“The results of the first Christchurch-based patient study showed that high-resolution spectral imaging of the scanner could significantly improve the diagnosis of hand and wrist injuries.”

Professor Butler states that preclinical versions of MARS scanners are already in use for research purposes at dozens of prestigious universities around the world. He says it’s now exciting to bring this technology to the clinic, backed by more than a decade of research at the University of Otago.

Professor Butler says that MARS technology provides radiologists with all the details of CT, but provides high-resolution color and tissue health and composition information, usually only available on MRI and PET. Stated. He says the team has developed a compact wrist scanner because wrist injuries are common, can be difficult to diagnose, and have complications such as frequent misdiagnosis and improper bone healing. ..

According to Butler, wrist scanners may be available for clinical use later next year until regulatory approval is given. The wrist scanner is the first in a series of planned products.


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