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Short exercise bursts have an “impressive” effect on metabolic health

Short exercise bursts have an “impressive” effect on metabolic health


It’s not surprising that regular exercise promotes health, but recently scientists have begun to uncover some of the complex mechanisms behind this relationship. A new study sheds light on short bursts of particularly strenuous exercise and finds that they produce “impressive” effects on the metabolites that circulate in the body, which in turn leads to improvements in a wide range of physical functions.

From improving the ability of the body Attack the gun,What Reinforcement learning,and Protection from Alzheimer’s disease In the case of dementia, recent studies continue to show how widespread the benefits of regular exercise are. A new study conducted by scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital sought to investigate how it affects metabolic function and, more generally, the knock-on effect of health.

“Although much is known about the effects of exercise on the body’s heart, blood vessels, and inflammatory system, our study involves associating specific metabolic pathways with motor response variables and long-term health outcomes. , A comprehensive study of the effects of exercise on metabolism, “says senior author Gregory Lewis. “What impressed us was the effect of short exercise on the circulatory levels of biotransformers that control important physical functions such as insulin resistance, oxidative stress, vascular responsiveness, inflammation and longevity. . “

Lewis and his team came to this conclusion after examining data from cardiac studies on 411 middle-aged men and women. The team measured levels of 588 circulatory metabolites, both before and after 12 minutes of strenuous exercise, and found beneficial changes across their hosts. Although 80% of the circulating metabolites were affected overall, the team identified some that showed particularly favorable results.

One of them is glutamate, a metabolite associated with diabetes, heart disease, and reduced lifespan, with a 29% reduction. The other is the metabolite DMGV, which is associated with an increased risk of diabetes and liver disease, with an 18% reduction. Scientists have found that these metabolic responses also appear to be influenced by other factors such as gender and obesity index.

“Interestingly, in our study, the different metabolites tracked by different physiological responses to exercise provide blood flow-specific features that reveal whether a person is physically healthy. It turns out that there is a possibility, “said co-lead author Matthew Nayor. “For example, a low level of DMGV can lead to a high level of fitness.”

Conveniently, cardiac study data dates back to 1948 and targets three generations of subjects. This meant that the team could apply this technique retroactively to study the long-term metabolic health of previous participants and even predict future health and survival.

“We are beginning to better understand the molecular basis of the effects of exercise on the body and are using that knowledge to understand the metabolic structure around exercise response patterns,” co-lead author Ravi Shah said. Says. “This approach has the potential to target people with high blood pressure and many other metabolic risk factors in response to exercise and put them on a healthier path early in life.”

The study was published in the journal circulation..

Source: Massachusetts General Hospital

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