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“Snapout”: Despite Concerns, Older Americans Avoid Depression Care-Clinical Daily News

“Snapout”: Despite Concerns, Older Americans Avoid Depression Care-Clinical Daily News
“Snapout”: Despite Concerns, Older Americans Avoid Depression Care-Clinical Daily News


The majority of older Americans who have reported concerns about depression during a coronavirus pandemic say they do not seek treatment for their symptoms.

This is based on new data from a national poll by Myriad Neuroscience, which surveyed another group of 1,495 U.S. adults aged 65 and over and 650 participants aged 18 and over between August 12 and September 27. Thing.

Most senior respondents (69%) who reported concerns about depression but no formal diagnosis said that the coronavirus pandemic had an impact on their mental health. However, two-thirds of these older people did not plan to seek treatment.

“In my experience, there is a general view that depression is a normal part of aging,” said Dr. Parikshit Deshmukh, CEO and Medical Director of Balanced Wellbeing LLC in Oxford, Florida. I found that older people had a great deal of difficulty admitting that they had depression. When they admitted it, they were still reluctant to start treatment for a variety of reasons. is.”

The main reasons for not pursuing clinical support are to consider your problem “not too bad”, confidence in your ability to manage without the help of a doctor, indifference to medication, and “getting out of it” yourself. Includes the belief that you can. A surveyor was found.

About one-third of all older people who are worried about depression said their symptoms had a negative impact on family relationships and activities. About one in five (21%) reported thinking about self-harm or suicide, compared to 14% of adults aged 65 and over.

The study also revealed many of the pandemic-related concerns among older people who think they may be depressed:

  • 38% say the pandemic news is “engaged in sadness.”
  • 43% say they avoid situations where they have to interact with others.
  • Forty-six percent say they feel more isolated and separated from their family and friends.
  • Fifty-one percent say they are worried that their loved ones will be infected with COVID-19.

Elderly people help as pandemics hesitate to talk about mental health “pulled by bootstraps” even though they “have a tremendous impact on the mental health of older Americans.” I can’t get it. Countless neurosciences.

“People seek treatment for symptoms such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Depression is no exception. It is a disease that can and should be treated.”

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