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Victoria has not recorded new COVID-19 cases or deaths for 18 consecutive days

Victoria has not recorded new COVID-19 cases or deaths for 18 consecutive days


“It’s also consistent with what Pfizer announced last week. It’s a very similar and new technology used here. No vaccine has ever worked this way. We call it an RNA vaccine, “said Professor Lewin. ABC Radio Melbourne.


“Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have the same kind of technology. This level of protection is very extraordinary.”

Professor Lewin said the Moderna vaccine has several differences that make it easier for people to get the vaccine.

Victoria’s energy minister, Lily Danbroiso, said Tuesday morning that she couldn’t say what plans were being implemented for infection control at the Victoria-South Australia border. After consulting with SA’s public health authorities, she suggested making further announcements about it later that day.

“I don’t guess here what needs to happen or what doesn’t need to happen. The fact that all Victorians have worked hard to get to where we are now. We need to look back, “she said.

“The state talks hourly, and it goes on, and what happens with other decisions depends heavily on the information and data at hand.”

The South Australian Health Minister said the outbreak in what is now called the Parafield Cluster included 17 members of a family, two guards, and close contact with one of the family members. He said he was.

Yesterday, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory Everything declared South Australia a hotspot..

South Australia implemented new emergency regulations overnight, including the closure of the gym, but international flights carrying returning Australians were suspended for a week.

Travelers leaving Adelaide at Melbourne’s Tullamarine Airport will be interviewed by health officials, but Victoria’s Deputy Chief Health Officer Allen Chen said on Monday that testing would only be needed if they came from a particular area. I confirmed it to.

“Temperature and symptom checks will be done with these travelers,” he said in a statement.

“If you are from a risky area identified by the Government of South Australia, you will be asked to quarantine and be inspected. If you refuse to be inspected, you will be treated as a close contact. You will be asked to self-quarantine for 14 days. “

Professor Lewin said his experience in New South Wales showed that authorities could control outbreaks of this magnitude, so there was no need to panic about South Australian clusters.

“I don’t think we should close the border. I think we need to do ring fencing or identify this as a hotspot, but we shouldn’t close the border. Miles in the South Australian countryside. Why do we need to limit the movement of people away? Away from where this outbreak happened? “Professor Lewin said.

On Monday, Victoria’s Prime Minister Daniel Andrews suggested that security guards may have been involved in the transmission of the virus from the hotel to the South Australian community.

However, Wade said Tuesday that public health officials were “confident” that the Peppers Hotel in Adelaide was the source, but the first case had not yet been definitively identified.

“Three of the Medihotel staff tested positive, but one of them was behind the house, who would have had very little contact with the resident,” he said at ABC Radio National’s breakfast. I told the program.

Professor Lewin said the hotel’s quarantine program is working well overall.


“Of course, such a breach could be catastrophic, as we saw in Melbourne, but then we saw a very quick and controlled breach.

“If you look at all the numbers of people who have been quarantined, this is rare, but it can happen.”

Wade said two infected families who were senior care workers in South Australia worked in only one facility (Anglicare SA Elderly Care in Brompton) during the infection. ..

“There are still no cases of COVID-19 among residents of residential geriatric care facilities,” he said.

In response to the cluster, South Australia has reintroduced strict controls for older care workers, restricting them from working in one place and wearing masks when social distance is not possible. Did.

Elderly long-term care infections have caused the majority of COVID-19 deaths in Victoria. Of the 819 deaths in the state, 652 were associated with nursing homes.

  • With Josh Dye and Kate Lahey

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