What you need to know about Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine

Scientists randomly assigned volunteers to obtain either the Moderna vaccine or a placebo. The trial was blinded. That is, neither the volunteers nor the people conducting the trials knew who got what.
Over time, some of the volunteers became ill with Covid-19. To get a preliminary sense of how the trial is proceeding, an independent expert committee examined the first 95 participants who became ill. Of these, 90 were given placebo and only 5 were vaccinated. Based on that data, the Commission estimated that the vaccine was 94.5 percent effective.

No in the short term. Spring is probably the earliest time for the coronavirus vaccine to become widely available. However, if effective vaccines are actually available, and if most people get them, the pandemic can be significantly reduced. As the number of coronavirus infections decreases, life can gradually return to normal.

Covid-19 can lead to mild illness. Or it can lead to severe cases requiring hospitalization and oxygen support. Of the 95 people who got sick in the Moderna study, 11 experienced severe illness. None of those 11 were vaccinated. In other words, the five vaccinated people who became ill experienced only mild symptoms, and all severe cases were participants in the placebo group.
Natalie Dean, a biostatistician at the University of Florida, said:
This division suggests that Moderna’s vaccine not only blocks the virus in most cases, but also protects the sick from the worst consequences of the disease. It also relieves concerns that the Covid-19 vaccine can exacerbate the disease, but it does not improve it.

Moderna has recruited 30,000 volunteers nationwide to participate in the exam. A quarter of the participants are over 65 years old. Whites make up 63 percent of volunteers. 20 percent are Hispanic. 10 percent is black. And 4 percent are Asian Americans.
The 95 people who got sick in Covid-19 reflect the diversity of Moderna volunteers. Fifteen were over 65 years old. The group also included 12 Hispanic volunteers, 4 black participants, 3 Asian Americans, and 1 multi-ethnic person. Efficacy and safety looked the same in all subgroups, Moderna said in a statement. However, researchers will have to wait for further testing to confirm this finding.

[Read more on Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine.]
That’s right. The US government has provided $ 1 billion in support for the design and testing of the Moderna vaccine. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health have overseen many studies, including clinical trials. If the vaccine proved to be safe and effective, Moderna received an additional $ 1.5 billion in exchange for 100 million doses.
Pfizer has its own pre-purchase agreement for vaccines, Did not take Operation Warp Speed ​​is the funding to support its design or testing.

[Read more on Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine.]
Pfizer did not provide more details in its November 9th announcement last week than Modana announced on Monday, November 16th. They did not identify how many people who became ill received the vaccine or placebo.
Nevertheless, the estimates for the two vaccines are clearly in the same stadium. In addition, both far exceed the FDA’s requirement for coronavirus vaccine efficacy to exceed 50%.
Pfizer did not report how many volunteers were infected with severe Covid-19, or a fraction of those people were vaccinated. The results of these findings will be published in the coming weeks.

Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are similar in that they not only use mRNA, but also induce cells to make the same viral protein called spikes. Other vaccines Those that do not use mRNA also target spike proteins. The success of Moderna and Pfizer may be a good sign for them as well.
Many teams have created vaccines based on another virus, for example, called adenovirus. Adenovirus slides into cells and delivers the spike protein gene.Russian vaccine sponsor on Wednesday Announcement The adenovirus-based vaccine, called Sputnik V, was more than 90% effective. However, the presentation was based on only 20 sick volunteers, so outside experts wanted to see more data. This is much less than the Moderna and Pfizer exams.
AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson are also conducting Phase 3 trials of adenovirus carrying the spike protein gene. Other companies, including Novavax and Medicago, are also conducting advanced tests on vaccines that deliver the spike protein itself or part of it into the body.

I do not know. Both Moderna and Pfizer started their trials on July 27th, so so far they have only been able to follow volunteers for a few months.
Vaccines may provide long-term protection or disappear within a year and require boosters.

Pfizer and Moderna used the same basic design to produce the vaccine. Both vaccines contain a genetic molecule called messenger RNA that is wrapped in oily foam. The bubbles can fuse with muscle cells and deliver RNA. Encoded in that molecule are instructions for building a single coronavirus protein called a spike. When vaccinated cells release a copy of the spike protein, the immune system learns to make antibodies against it.
Scientists have been investigating mRNA vaccines for years, but no safe and effective vaccine for use in people has yet been approved. When Moderna and other vaccine makers began designing mRNA vaccines for the coronavirus, skeptics wondered how well they worked. Two preliminary reports from both Moderna and Pfizer suggest that this type of vaccine may work very well. Research into safety continues, but neither study reveals any serious side effects of the vaccine.
Natalie Dean, a biostatistician at the University of Florida, said: “If I got different results, I would have asked a lot of questions.”

Both Moderna and Pfizer trials continue to collect more data from large studies. The two companies will apply for an emergency license from the Food and Drug Administration within the next few weeks and begin vaccination of the general public.
FDA reviews the application and consults with its own external expert committee before making a decision. As experts think, when a vaccine is approved, a committee of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention makes recommendations on who should be vaccinated first.
Distribution of one or both vaccines may begin by the end of the year.

Natalie Dean, a biostatistician at the University of Florida, warned about Thanksgiving and the upcoming holiday season: “This doesn’t make you confused about what’s coming next month.”
If vaccine preparation is not a major issue, we can realistically expect large-scale distribution to begin in the spring.
But, Explosive incidents nationwide Now we need to take immediate action. For now, the only way to reduce infection rates is to avoid large indoor gatherings, wear masks, practice physical distances, and use other public health measures.
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