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Should you or shouldn’t because they are associated with an increase in diabetes?


The story of egg consumption in this country was colorful.Despite being an important ingredient in traditional full English breakfasts, eggs are falling Agree and disagree For them, and for various health claims made to them over the last few decades.

Until recently, we seemed to settle on the view that eggs are not only great, but actually quite good for us. The NHS recommends them as part of a healthy and balanced diet, pointing out that they are not only a source of protein, but also contain many vitamins and minerals. There is no officially recommended limit on the number of eggs.

But new research again casts doubt on one of our favorite foods. Researchers at the University of South Australia studied a sample of 8,545 Chinese adults and concluded that eating just one egg per day increased the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 60%.

“Because diet is a known and modifiable factor that contributes to the development of type 2 diabetes, it is important to understand the range of dietary factors that can affect the increased prevalence of the disease.” , Said Dr. Ming Li of the University, an epidemiologist and public health expert. ..

Of course, this is indisputable.However, what is confusing is the main body of research on eggs. Very inconsistent.. Last year, experts at the University of Finland suggested that eating one egg a day was associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. In addition, the American Diabetes Association recommends egg intake for people who already have diabetes.

Dr. Lee acknowledged that the link between eggs and diabetes was “often discussed”, but this latest study shows that people’s long-term consumption of eggs and the risk of developing diabetes are determined by fasting blood glucose. I explained that the purpose was to evaluate.

“Over the last few decades, China has experienced significant nutritional changes, with many people processing more meat, snacks, and more energy-dense foods from traditional diets containing grains and vegetables. We are moving to a diet that has been eaten, “he says. “At the same time, egg consumption is steadily increasing. From 1991 to 2009, the number of egg eaters in China almost doubled.”

However, he added that more research is needed to investigate the causal relationship between eating eggs and diabetes.

Is it okay to maintain egg habits in the meantime? Existing evidence would suggest so.Many of the fears of past egg consumption are theirs High cholesterol content.. High cholesterol levels in the blood increase the risk of heart disease, but eggs do not always increase the risk of heart disease. According to the NHS, the amount of saturated fat we eat has a greater effect on blood cholesterol levels than the cholesterol consumed by eggs.

Last year, the British Heart Foundation provided a measurement response to a US study published at JAMA that linked high levels of dietary cholesterol, such as those found in eggs, to an increased risk of heart and cardiovascular disease, as well as death. Did. Again, the study showed relevance, but did not prove the cause and effect, the charity pointed out. Again, further research was needed to understand the reason behind the link, argued Victoria Taylor, a senior nutritionist at the charity.

Therefore, the proceedings against eggs appear to be unproven, but the proceedings in favor appear to be strong.

We’ve come a long way since Edwina Currie, then Conservative Health Minister, warned in 1988 that most of Britain’s spawning was infected with Salmonella. .. The British Egg Industry Council said at the time the risk of getting Salmonella was less than 200 million to 1.

Today, the egg information website doesn’t mention the latest research, but last week’s article on the homepage on how eggs have been shown to help weight loss in the elderly and overweight people. It is posted prominently. Finding a nutritionist who has a positive attitude towards eggs is not difficult.

“Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet,” says a nutritionist. Rhiannon Lambert.. “There was talk about how eggs increase the risk of heart disease. However, many studies have investigated this and have not found a link between the two. They are also high in them. Previously demonized due to cholesterol content.

“Currently, it is widely accepted in research that the dietary cholesterol they contain is not harmful but actually beneficial. In fact, eggs are associated with more health benefits than health risks. I am. “

Poached eggs and avocados have been powered up Millennials in this country From a few years ago. Boiled eggs and soldiers still empower the children of the country. Judging the evidence available today, there seems to be little reason to quit.


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