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“Does diabetes medicine damage my internal organs?”

“Does diabetes medicine damage my internal organs?”


Stopping sweet and starchy foods makes it easier to control blood sugar levels, but diabetes alone is not enough.Stopping sweet and starchy foods makes it easier to control blood sugar levels, but diabetes alone is not enough.

The increasing number of diabetics is not fake news.

In 2000, there were 151 million diabetics worldwide.

That number is expected to reach or exceed 552 million by 2030.

According to the 2019 National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS), there are an estimated 3.9 million diabetic adults over the age of 18, which is about one in five Malaysian adults.

Almost half (49%) of these people had never been tested or diagnosed with diabetes before the study.

Early detection of the disease is important because patients begin to manage the disease early and can prevent or delay serious complications of diabetes.

These complications can affect multiple organs in the body, including the heart, nerves, eyes, and kidneys.

There are many sources that claim to provide information about diabetes.

However, not everything is accurate.

Misrepresentations and false information can lead to optimal treatment of the condition and can even harm the patient.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions from diabetics:

Is it true that the higher the drug or drug that lowers blood sugar, the better?

This is not always the case. There are good medicines that are cheap, but the choice of medicine is always personalized.

This means that there are several medications that are suitable for a particular group of patients.

For example, some drugs are suitable for patients who are overweight or obese, and some are suitable for patients who have a history of heart disease or stroke.

To get the best advice on the best medicine, you can talk to an endocrinologist who is a doctor who specializes in hormone-related disorders.

Endocrinologists have a proper medical history and do a thorough examination before giving the necessary advice.

Do diabetes medications like metformin damage internal organs?

This is a common misconception among the general public that drugs can damage or damage internal organs.It is not the price of the drug that determines how well it works, but how well it suits the individual's condition.  — Photo: FilepicIt is not the price of the drug that determines how well it works, but how well it suits the individual’s condition. — Photo: Filepic

This unfortunately led many patients to discontinue essential medicines on their own, either unknowingly or against the advice of their doctors.

The truth is that poorly controlled diabetes can lead to damage to internal organs such as kidney failure.

Drugs like metformin actually help control blood sugar levels and prevent deterioration of internal organs.

Therefore, it is important to detect diabetes early and start treatment as soon as possible.

If diabetes progresses too much and the internal organs are already damaged, some drugs may not be suitable for the patient, limiting treatment options.

Can I increase the dose of my diabetes medication and decrease it when my blood sugar is stable?

It depends on the type of drug.

For example, if a patient is receiving insulin treatment, the insulin dose can be adjusted based on the carbohydrate content of the diet and increased as needed.

However, it is imperative to get advice and education from your doctor before making such a decision.

Do I need to take medications that lower my blood sugar for the rest of my life?

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease in which the pancreas’s ability to function normally diminishes with age (as with all other organs).

Therefore, patients with type 2 diabetes may need long-term treatment.

Are Health Products Better Than Hypoglycemic Drugs?

Hypoglycemic agents have undergone extensive nonclinical and clinical studies and safety trials over the years before being approved for treatment in diabetics.

On the other hand, many “health products” do not have solid or established research data on long-term health benefits.

If you want to take such a product, you need to have the idea that it is a complementary supplement and not the only cure for diabetes.

If in doubt, consult an endocrinologist.

Can you eat as much sugar-free food as you like?

At the end of the day, a balanced diet is the key to a healthy diet.

It is important to monitor the amount of food you eat and maintain a healthy weight.

Advice from a trained dietitian can help guide your food choices.

Does long-term use of insulin cause a stroke or blindness?

No. Insulin is one of the treatment options for diabetes.

If the disease is well managed, the risk of developing diabetic complications is greatly reduced.

In fact, it is poorly managed diabetes that causes complications such as stroke and blindness.

Can I control diabetes by quitting sweets and starchy foods?

One way to control diabetes is to control your diet in addition to your medication.

Reducing your intake of unhealthy sweets and carbohydrates makes it easier to control your blood sugar levels.

However, there are various factors that can lead to poor or poor management of diabetes.

Therefore, it is best to consult with an endocrinologist on a regular basis to get personalized views on the best management plan for your condition.

Dr. Chooi Kheng Chiew is an endocrinologist. For more information, please email starhealth @ The information provided is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Star We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, functionality, usefulness, or other guarantees regarding the content displayed in this column. Star We disclaim all liability for loss, property damage, or personal injury incurred directly or indirectly by our reliance on such information.


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