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U.S. Senator tweets about COVID vaccines and innate immunity are exactly what you shouldn’t believe


Anti-Baxers are real, less noticeable in India, but a strong community in the west.

They oppose vaccination of themselves and those around them, and will often trample unproven and unfounded conspiracy theories to justify their argument.

COVID-19 vaccineAFP

As the majority of the world is eagerly awaiting the COVID-19 vaccine, anti-vaccinators are back and they are doing their best-the vaccine is fighting to discredit and resist it.

Rand Paul, a Kentucky senator, is one such case, and he Efficiency of COVID-19 vaccine.

Rand PaulAFP

Great news!

-Pfizer vaccine is 90% effective

-Moderna vaccine 94.5% effective-Naturally acquired COVID-19 99.9982% effective *

* (Estimates 200 reinfections out of 11 million Americans, which may overestimate the actual reinfection)

Paul said in a tweet, but it’s full of problems.

In the first place, he seems to favor herd immunity by infection rather than vaccines.

this is WHO and some top scientists have repeatedly warned that betting on herd immunity due to infection is potentially dangerous.

COVID-19 vaccineAFP

WHO was saying that Herd immunity has never been used as a strategy To respond to outbreaks in the history of public health, not to mention pandemics.

The data so far is Infected with COVID-19 is immune to the virus It is still unclear how long it will last.

Another argument often made by advocates of herd immunity is to point out the low mortality rate of COVID-19.

COVID-19 vaccineAFP

The mortality rate of COVID-19 is about 1%. This means that 99 out of 100 infected patients have the potential to recover.

It sounds good in theory, but it’s much more complicated in real life.Elderly people with comorbidities Estimated COVID-19 The fact that they are safe can have fatal consequences.

Another problem caused by more infections is that hospitals are burdened and people in need of urgent life-saving emergency can be denied it.

As expected, Paul’s tweet didn’t work for many Americans, including healthcare professionals.

By the way, this isn’t the first time a Republican senator has made unfounded and potentially dangerous comments about dealing with the outbreak of COVID-19.

“We should tell them to celebrate,” Paul said in an interview with Fox News on Thursday night. “We told them Throw away their masks These people are now immune, so go to a restaurant and live again. “

COVID-19 vaccine, vaccine vs. innate immunity, herd immunity, COVID-19 vaccine efficiencyAFP

This was immediately rejected by the doctor.

“I don’t know why he says that,” Vin Gupta, a pulmonologist at the University of Washington Medical Center, told MSNBC about Paul’s comment. “If you are infected with COVID-19, there is no evidence that you are infected. Not affected by reinfection at any time.. “


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