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Influenza vaccination reduces the risk of death for people with heart disease


AHA News: Influenza vaccination reduces the risk of death for people with heart disease

For people with heart disease, vaccination against the flu significantly reduces the risk of death and developing serious heart-related complications, new analysis shows.

With 16 randomized meta-analyses Covered more than 237,000 experiences.It makes them People who have been vaccinated against the flu are 18% less likely to die You are 28% less likely to die for any reason. They can also experience any kind of major heart problems, ..

“Compare beta blockers and ACE inhibitors used to control high blood pressure, these are mortality rates,” said Dr. Shiva Yedrapati, Ph.D., physician at the Erie County Medical Center in Buffalo, NY. 20-25% reduction. ” “This is fully compatible with that number and is only taken once a year compared to taking the drug daily throughout the year. This is a big advantage.”

While analyzing the study, Yedrapati also said he was surprised to learn that cardiologists are least likely to provide patients with flu shots. ” It is very beneficial for heart patients and it is a big gap if it is least likely to be stocked by a cardiologist. “

The study, which is considered preliminary until it is published in a peer-reviewed journal, was presented last week at a virtual science session conference held by the American Heart Association.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone over 6 months be vaccinated against the flu. This is especially important for adults over the age of 65, who account for the majority of influenza-related hospitalizations and deaths. Studies show that half of adults hospitalized for the flu have heart disease, and the risk of the first heart attack after a flu infection is six times higher.

Also, according to another study presented at the Scientific Conference, standard dose vaccination appears to be as effective as vaccination of people with heart disease with high doses of influenza. The study found that neither vaccine dose was more effective than the other vaccine doses in reducing the risk of death or hospitalization from heart or lung-related illnesses. The study was funded by the National Institute of Cardiopulmonary Blood, with additional funding from the vaccine manufacturer Sanofi Pathtool, which was not involved in the design, implementation, or interpretation of the results.

Despite the potential benefits, less than half of adults in the United States are vaccinated against the flu. “It’s a very small number,” Yedlapati said. “Clinicians should strongly recommend patients to be vaccinated against the flu. I hope this paper enhances it.”

Donna Arnett, Dean and Former President of the University of Kentucky School of Public Health, said the new analysis does not add to what we already know, but “makes these findings more robust. It shows that we can do it. ” Of the AHA.

Arnett, who was not involved in the study, said it was even more important to get a flu shot this year because of the pandemic. “The full extent of the effects on the heart associated with COVID is not yet known,” she said, a question that researchers are still investigating.

According to Arnett, what we know is that both can be damaged. Respiratory health, and the flu vaccine can reduce at least some of that risk. “Even if you get the flu, if you get the flu, the burden of illness will be less. .. ”

High doses comparable to standard influenza vaccines for the risk of death or heart and lung hospitalization

Copyright © 2020 HealthDay.. all rights reserved.

Quote: Influenza vaccination was obtained from on November 18, 2020 (2020, 11) Reduces the risk of death for people (18th of March)

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