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Gay Doctor Nominates Federal CDCHIV Post

Gay Doctor Nominates Federal CDCHIV Post
Gay Doctor Nominates Federal CDCHIV Post


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced this week that a homosexual doctor has been appointed to head the HIV / AIDS prevention department for homosexuals.

Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, a longtime leader in HIV, has been appointed director of the CDC’s National HIV / AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and DHAP Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. The appointment will take effect on December 21st.

Daskalakis, 47, is a Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Director of Resident Studies and Director of Infectious Diseases Program at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. In addition to caring for HIV-infected persons at the Bellevue Hospital Center, he is a research program that extends clinical and research services to commercial sex facilities for men who have sex with men in New York City. He is also the founding director of the project. ..

He recently served as Deputy Director of Disease Control at New York City Department of Health. Infectious disease expert Dascalakis has authored more than 50 academic papers and has received numerous awards for his contributions to science and public health, including the Research Activity Awards of the Therapeutic Behavior Group.

In a CDC news release on November 17, Dascalakis talked about why he was attracted to HIV work and improved the health of poorly serviced communities.

“I’m still emotional about the early days of the AIDS epidemic, not because I’m sad, but because I can’t believe how different today’s story is,” he said. “We have the tools to prevent infection and keep people living with HIV healthy. Our barrier to achieving this vision is no longer science, but systematic racism and sexism. Discrimination, homophobia, transphobia. “

Dr. Howard Grossman, a longtime HIV expert, called the appointment “the most exciting news I’ve heard since the election.”

Grossman, Gayman and Medical Director of Midway Specialty Care at Wilton Manors, Florida, emailed Bay Area Reporter, saying “I’ve done a great job in New York for a long time. His appointment brought fresh ideas. It’s a CDC solution and will ultimately help reduce new HIV prevalence across the country, as it did in New York City. “

Joe Holendner, CEO of the gay San Francisco AIDS Foundation, commented on the appointment and emailed BAR: A proven public health leader who is very confident in advancing our efforts to end the HIV epidemic.

“We are working with Dr. Dascalakis and members of the upcoming Biden Harris administration to address health inequalities that continue to prevent our country from zeroing new cases of HIV and zeroing AIDS-related deaths. I’m looking forward to dealing with it, “added Holendner.

Dr. Jonathan H. Marmin, director of the CDC’s National Center for HIV / AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, referred to Dascalakis’ work on the end of the epidemic in New York. The Federal Epidemic End Program is a 10-year initiative aimed at reducing new HIV infections to less than 3,000 people annually by 2030.

In the release, Marmin, who is also the Assistant Surgeon Chief of the US Public Health Service, said Dascalakis was “essential for the design and guidance of many HIVs. [sexually transmitted disease] The New York City program includes an epidemic termination program that allegedly reduced the incidence of HIV to historically low levels. He brings this leadership and experience to the CDC, conducting meaningful research, guiding surveillance and programs, supporting and implementing effective policies, ultimately preventing HIV transmission, and fairness in HIV-related health throughout the United States. I am happy to improve my sexuality. “

“Dr. Dascalakis is recognized both nationally and internationally as an HIV prevention expert and has devoted many careers to the treatment and prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases as an LGBTQIA + community-focused activist. It’s time to improve the health of underserved communities, and we’re passionate about working on health fairness, “added Marmin.

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