Viral waves must fight without vaccines: WHO
A World Health Organization emergency officer warned on Wednesday that the vaccine would not be in time to defeat the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
WHO’s Michael Ryan said vaccines should not be considered a magical solution to the “unicorn.” Countries fighting the resurrection of the virus will have to “climb this mountain” again without vaccines.
“I think it will take at least four to six months for a significant level of vaccination to be available everywhere,” he said in a public Q & A session. Social media..
Despite recent promising announcements from finalists Vaccine test“We don’t have the vaccine yet,” Ryan said.
“Many countries are experiencing this wave and will continue to experience it without vaccines.
“We need to understand it, internalize it, and realize it. This time we have to climb this mountain without vaccines.”
Pfizer said on Wednesday that a full study of vaccines showed that it was 95 percent effective, while fellow U.S. corporate Moderna said this week that its own candidate was 94.5 percent effective. I said that. Russia claims that the candidate is more than 90 percent effective.
Ryan warned against loosening individual vigilance against the virus, with the false belief that the vaccine would solve the problem instead.
“Some people vaccine In a way, it will be a solution. It’s a unicorn that we all chased. That’s not the case. “
“If you add a vaccine and forget about something else, your COVID will not be zero.”
Sad grandchildren
According to WHO data, the number of new COVID-19 cases in Europe declined for the first time in more than three months last week, but deaths in the region continue to grow.
Since the outbreak in China last December, at least 55.6 million cases have been registered worldwide, but this novel is Coronavirus More than 1.3 million people have died worldwide, according to official sources compiled by AFP.
Ryan expressed concern about how the pandemic left behind many bereaved grandchildren who were unable to go through the normal process of grief due to the restrictions imposed on the fight against the virus.
“Many of these children have lost their grandparents,” he said.
“There is considerable trauma among children.
“The process of children’s sorrow. It’s hard because we don’t have everything natural, such as the funeral situation, the inability to say goodbye, and the lack of meetings. Sadness is interrupted.
“I’m worried if the need for children mourning the loss of their grandparents has been interrupted because it has lifelong implications.”
© 2020 AFP
Quote: Virus waves must fight without vaccines: WHO (18 November 2020) from 11 2020 I got the 18th of the month
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