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Colorado Frontline Healthcare Providers Get COVID-19 Vaccine Within Weeks-State of Reform


Shauna de La Rosa | November 18, 2020

Colorado is giving Pfizer’s new COVID-19 vaccine to healthcare providers who work directly with coronavirus patients in just a few weeks.News about how the vaccine was developed and distributed was discussed Tuesday by the Colorado Reform State. Panelist Katelin Lucariello, Director, PhRMA State Policy. Eric France Medical Doctor, Chief Medical Officer, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Stephanie Wasserman, Executive Director of Colorado Immunization.

“In 10 months, who would have thought that the genetic decoding of the virus had shifted to almost arming the vaccine?” France said.

France said the speed at which the vaccine was developed could be attributed to the fact that the federal government allowed the industry to move forward in parallel rather than one at a time.

The coronavirus vaccine falls under the Food and Drug Administration’s emergency license that occurs under certain conditions. This vaccine will check all boxes. It is designed to treat serious conditions, the treatment seems to be effective based on early science, the benefits outweigh the risks, and there is no other option.

In this case, the FDA has requested that study participants be followed for two months after the last shot was given. The last two months of the trial participants are set to expire within a few days. The FDA is expected to accelerate approval for emergency use, and Pfizer plans to begin 50 million doses by the end of 2020.

Colorado already has plans to decide how to distribute the vaccine. As mentioned above, healthcare providers treating COVID-19 patients are vaccinated first, followed by first responders, critical infrastructure employees, and high-risk individuals.

The final phase, which is expected to begin by spring, includes all healthy individuals.

Currently, both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are in the final stages of development, but both AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson are developing vaccines that use the Inactive virus. They plan to release the vaccine early next year. Moderna and Pfizer vaccines use a new technology called mRNA. The mRNA vaccine tells the body to produce viral proteins so that the immune system can recognize COVID-19 and build a response to it.

Currently, 1,696 clinical trials related to coronavirus vaccines or treatments are underway.

“We know that vaccines are about 5% likely to hit the market,” Lucariello said. “It’s very important to get as many shots as possible into the goal.”

Vaccines appear to be safe, but hesitate to trust them, Wasserman said.

“Vaccine hesitation is one of the World Health Organization’s top 10 global health risks,” she said. “The color community bears some of the greatest burden of the effects of this virus, but some on the data showing that the color community has some surprising hesitation rates around the vaccine. There is. “

Wasserman shared statistics that blacks are five times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 and twice more likely to succumb to it than their white peers. Similarly, the Hispanic population is 4.6 times more likely to be hospitalized and 1.1 times more likely to die of the coronavirus.

“One of the areas of focus for community engagement and awareness is the importance and safety of vaccines,” she said. “The data show that the color community is more affected by COVID-19 and needs to be prioritized for vaccines.”

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