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DRC declares the end of the 11th outbreak of Ebola

DRC declares the end of the 11th outbreak of Ebola


“It wasn’t easy, but we did it!” The doctor who tweeted. Matshidiso Moeti, Director of the World Health Organization for Africa. WHO made a presentation with Etheni Longondo, Minister of Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Forty-two days have passed since the last confirmed case was tested as negative. According to WHO.. No new cases have been reported since September 28th.
Outbreak Started on June 1st In the state of Ecatal in the western part of the country, just as another outbreak was ending in the eastern part of the country.The eastern outbreak is the second most deadly Ebola outbreak in the world on record and is officially Declared June 25-But the Ecuadorian one was just getting started.
By the end of the outbreak of Ecuador 130 confirmed cases –75 recovery and 55 deaths.

The two outbreaks are geographically distant and genetic sequence analysis confirms that they are unrelated.

The outbreak in Ecuador poses a major logistical challenge to WHO, local groups, and government medical and aid workers. Not only did it occur in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, where resources were already under pressure, but the outbreak occurred in dense rainforests and communities that span remote villages. WHO said in a press release.

Some high-infection areas were only accessible by boat or helicopter, complicating the transportation and testing of lab samples and delaying the placement of specialists in the affected areas.

Workers sometimes faced resistance from the local community, according to the WHO.For years, on-site responders Extreme community distrust And the horror was exacerbated by the boiling conflict between the militant groups and the government forces. Some humanitarian workers are under attack by armed groups.
Fighting Ebola is difficult, but in Congo distrust and fear make it difficult

Healthcare professionals sought to counter this horror by visiting local communities to better understand the virus. Local health care workers and WHO experts visited more than 574,000 households and vaccinated more than 40,000 high-risk people.

In the meantime, they had to comply with Covid-19 restrictions and precautionary measures such as wearing protective equipment.

WHO said it used a new cold chain freezer to keep the Ebola vaccine at cryogenic temperatures for up to a week, allowing responders to vaccinate people in areas without electricity.

“Overcoming one of the world’s most dangerous pathogens in a remote and inaccessible community shows what is possible when science and solidarity come together,” Moeti said. I am.

“It was not easy to tackle Ebola in parallel with Covid-19, but much of the expertise we have built up in one illness can be diverted to another and invested in emergency preparedness. Emphasizes the importance of building regional capabilities. “


Ebola first appeared in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1976, and was named after the river in the latter country. It is one of the most toxic diseases in the world and is transmitted by direct contact with the blood and other body fluids of infected people.

Ebola causes fever, severe headaches, and in some cases bleeding. It spreads through direct contact with body fluids or objects contaminated by a sick person. In some cases, the virus spreads through contact with people who have died of illness.

The fight against Ebola progresses as the coronavirus crisis approaches

The virus enters the body through tears in the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth. It can also spread through sexual contact.

WHO celebrated the end of the outbreak in Ecuador, but also warned that there was a risk of the virus reappearing. The virus can persist in the body fluids of survivors for several months and is present in animals throughout the region.

“During the 11th outbreak, there is a possibility of a relapse in the coming months, so we need to maintain continuous vigilance and strong surveillance,” the organization said in a news release. “The end of this outbreak helps remind governments and partners that they must continue to pay attention to other emergencies, even as the fight against Covid-19 continues.”


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