Diabetic Diet: Does Eating Meat and Dairy Products Increase Your Risk of Diabetes?Expert reveals
Diabetes is a serious long-term condition that has many adverse effects. Diabetes-related complications affect both quality of life and longevity. Patients are at increased risk of heart disease, stroke, renal failure, vision loss, and neuropathy with amputation of the feet and limbs. Today, the prevention and treatment of diabetes is more important than ever. During the current pandemic, an increased risk of both serious complications and mortality has been observed in patients with COVID-19 who underlie diabetes.
Prevalence during recent years Type 2 diabetes Globally, it’s out of control. According to a global and regional diabetes estimation study published by the International Diabetes Federation, it is estimated that 433 million people will have diabetes in 2019. India is one of the top three countries with the highest number of diabetics, with 77 million in 2019. By 2030, this number is expected to exceed 100 million.
Does the inclusion of meat and dairy products in my daily diet affect my blood sugar levels?
The answer to this question is yes! Excessive intake of meat and dairy products can increase your risk of diabetes.
According to the World Health Organization Type 2 diabetes This is primarily the result of a sedentary lifestyle and an overdose of a diet rich in animal fats and cholesterol. Large amounts of red meat, processed meats, dairy products, and sweets increase your risk of diabetes, regardless of obesity, physical activity, age, or family history. This risk is even more pronounced among obese people, who themselves are associated with increased consumption of meat and dairy products. A longitudinal study that followed people’s diets for 17 years demonstrated that eating one meal each week increased the risk of diabetes. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has published another study discussing the effects of lean meats (beef, pork, mutton, veal, etc.) and dairy products on insulin and glucose. Studies show that meat, dairy products, and sugar-rich foods can affect long-term intake. Blood sugar, Glucose metabolism, and fat accumulation in the body.
Our evolutionary history shows that humans have developed special mechanisms for survival, especially when food is scarce-one of them stores fat in their bodies. Today we live in another world, but we continue to consume foods rich in fat, sugar and cholesterol. These foods are associated with an increased risk of diabetes. Cardiovascular disease And obesity. High levels of fat in the bloodstream can turn off genes that help the body burn fat, causing muscle cells to accumulate more fat. This slows down the body’s ability to burn this excess fat while promoting insulin resistance. In one large study called the Nurse Health Survey, nurses with moderate obesity (BMI> 35 kg / m2) at baseline were of normal weight (BMI <22 kg / m2).
Excessive adipose tissue distribution is another important determinant of insulin resistance and the risk of type 2 diabetes. Intraperitoneal (visceral) fat seems to be important here, not subcutaneous or retroperitoneal fat.The degree of insulin resistance and the incidence of type 2 diabetes are highest in patients with the abdomen obesity, Measured by waist circumference or waist hip circumference ratio.
Processed animal meat contains more sodium and additives such as nitrates, nitrites, and nitrosamines, along with heme iron. These are also associated with an increased risk of illness.These preservatives and additives Processed meat It can harm the pancreas, the insulin-producing organ.
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Processed animal meat contains more sodium and additives
Does Eating a Plant-Based Diet Prevent Diabetes?
Studies have shown that people who eat a diet characterized by high intakes of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains have a lower risk of diabetes.A clinically controlled study published by the British Diabetes Society has calorie restriction Vegetarian It turned out to be the best option for controlling diabetes. This study showed that a vegetarian diet combined with exercise helps improve insulin sensitivity and increase visceral fat loss.
Benefits of a plant-based diet include promoting healthy weight, increasing fiber and phytonutrients, and improving insulin resistance.Reversal of obesity reduces the risk of developing type 2 Diabetes And in patients with established illnesses, it improves glycemic control.
Here’s how to move to a healthy plant-based diet:
There are many ways to go Plant-based.. Incorporate plenty of vegetables, whole grains, legumes, beans, nuts and seeds for a healthy plant-based diet. All of these factors have been shown to not only reduce the risk of diabetes, but also improve diabetes management.
Read again: Diabetic Diet: 5 Foods and Herbs That May Help Control Blood Sugar
A vegetarian diet combined with exercise may help improve insulin sensitivity
If you are not yet ready to move to a completely plant-based diet:
Consider slowly reducing animal foods. The first step is to reduce the frequency and quantification of meat consumed, then become a vegetarian, and eventually cut dairy and eggs from the diet and move completely to a plant base.
Switch from Dairy products For alternatives other than dairy products such as: I’m milk Or Almond milk.. There are many plant-based milk options on the market, so try them out to see which one you like best. Non-dairy cheeses can also help satisfy your desire for cheese. It is important to take enough time to try different alternatives to grow your new diet.
Vegetarian burgers and pizzas help facilitate the transition when you’re cutting meat completely from your diet. However, eat moderately unless cooked at home with healthy whole grains, legumes, and fresh vegetables. It is important to reduce the sugar content of the diet, highly refined grains, and processed foods. There seems to be an inverse link between whole grain consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes. As an example, among men and women who participated in health care worker follow-up and nurse health surveys, high brown rice intake reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes and white rice consumption increased the risk. It was. Of type 2 diabetes.
Migrate to low fatA plant-wide diet combined with regular exercise not only helps prevent and treat diabetes, but also cardiovascular disease, obesity, hypertension, and inflammation..
In addition, a plant-based diet is a cost-effective, environmentally friendly and important tool for addressing rising medical costs around the world. A plant-based diet can improve overall health, quality of life, and longevity.
About the author:
Dr. Uma Malhotra is an infectious disease specialist and plant-based nutrition expert based in Seattle, Washington. Varda Mehrotra is a longtime vegan and secretary-general of the Federation of Indian Animal Conservation Organizations (FIAPO).
(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of the information in this article. All information Is provided as is. The information, facts and opinions contained in the article do not reflect NDTV’s views and NDTV assumes no responsibility or obligation.)
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