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AI, Virtual Reality Helps Quickly Track Covid-19 Vaccines: Experts

AI, Virtual Reality Helps Quickly Track Covid-19 Vaccines: Experts
AI, Virtual Reality Helps Quickly Track Covid-19 Vaccines: Experts


New Delhi: State-of-the-art technologies, from helping optimize therapeutic yields to training staff to set up large manufacturing sites: Artificial intelligence Quickly track Covid-19 using (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) vaccine According to experts, it is being developed all over the world.
Search for COVID-19 Vaccines are spreading around the world, with thousands of researchers working together in hundreds of laboratories to fight the virus, which has infected 56 million people and has killed more than 1.34 million people so far. I will.
Data from several experiments recently led by a panel of experts discovering the following patterns by other technologies such as AI and machine learning (ML) at the 10-day science festival Berlin Science Week. I pointed out that I can understand the mountain. Human brain You may not be able to find it.
As vaccine candidates progress to the final stages of human trials, experts said AI is essential for rapid analysis of clinical and immunological data.
Rene Faber of the German-based pharmaceutical company Sartorius said he needed to take advantage of these “convenient innovations.”
Citing examples of single-use technologies, Faber said that these could help build vaccine manufacturing capacity quickly.
With disposable technology, he said, the entire manufacturing process is made of plastic and is used only once to help users avoid cleaning.
“This helps customers build manufacturing facilities much faster and saves a year or more to build a manufacturing process,” Faber said of the current vaccine research sponsored by the Falling Walls Foundation. I mentioned in a session on trends.
“It’s also very flexible, which means that if you build such a facility, for example in the United States, you can copy and paste its manufacturing process very quickly in Europe or Europe. Asia Similarly, “he said.
Another important technology in Covid-19 vaccine research is automation.
When a customer develops a manufacturing process, he said he needs to perform a number of experiments to narrow down the appropriate process parameters.
According to Farber, manufacturers also need to understand how the manufacturing process affects the quality of vaccines and find ways to optimize their yields.
“This is a very important task that needs to be done and takes a lot of time, there are very innovative tools that allow for very high throughput, and automation is the way to perform such experiments. “He said.
Tools such as digitization, and AI, are used for real-time data analysis to predict or change processes before something goes wrong, he added.
“And of course, you can avoid the loss of vaccine badges that no one wants to have in today’s situation. Therefore, many in our hands today that can be used to really speed up development and build further. There is innovation. Manufacturing industry. ”
Uwe Gottschalk, Chief Technology Officer, Lonza Pharma / Biotech, Switzerland He states that new innovations and technologies will help in the therapeutic field, especially in vaccine development.
“… The entire pharmaceutical industry is very slow, because we can’t cut corners to compromise the effectiveness and safety of our products, as an excuse not to innovate, and from genes to R & D. It has been used for a long time. Mantras have been said to take a year or two to make clinical material from. DNA New drugs will be available, “Gottschalk said.
This is a challenge in the vaccine industry, he said, and companies are now applying all their know-how from ML to AI to speed up vaccine development.
Gottschalk cites another example of a new technology that will help in the Covid-19 pandemic, where Lonza is now setting up a large manufacturing base for vaccine production even before the equipment is installed. Said.
“We can train specialists with the help of virtual reality. Therefore, specialists are trained to speak, although they are sitting in a training center or perhaps at home. “He said.
According to Farber, the production of most biological products is based on the behavior of individual cells, and AI functions as a manufacturing facility for other molecules, including proteins and vaccines, as these components of life. Used to model what to do.
“I am confident that the combination of tools such as AI, mechanical modeling, statistical tools, and statistical data analysis will bring a lot of insights to today’s challenges,” he added.
Professor Carlos A. Guzman, director of the Department of Vaccination and Applied Microbiology at the Helmholtz Infection Research Center in Germany, emphasized the use of AI in vaccine development and does not respond to the same vaccine in all humans within the same age group. Said. He adds that it is important to understand how and why there are good and bad responders to treatment.
Guzman believes that understanding the mechanism behind this can lead to the development of new vaccines that are also effective in groups of populations that are generally poorly responsive to vaccination.
“Of course, this kind of technology is implementable and comes from other disciplines,” he added.


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