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The EU-Moderna deal is ready in a few days


The European Union’s Secretary of State, Clement Beaune, said it would take several days for the Covid-19 vaccination agreement between the European Union and American biotechnology company Moderna to be finalized.

He said News source LCI: “Brussels has guaranteed that we are almost ready.”

Negotiations between the two organizations have been going on for months. In August, “advance talks” on pre-contracts were announced for 80 million vaccine purchases.

The deal has never been signed, and French businessman Stéphane Bansel, who owns 9% of Moderna, said that EU member states have a lower priority than countries that have already signed the deal, so they will be vaccinated further if they stall. Warned that “delivery may be delayed”.

Current tests have shown that the Moderna vaccine is 94.5% effective. Contracts with Canada, Israel, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States have already been signed.

EU is one of the largest vaccine buyers in the world

The EU has already signed contracts with other vaccine producers such as Pfizer / BioNTech (announced last week that the vaccine protection rate is 90%), AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Sanofi-GSK and Cureback. is.

This makes the EU one of the largest purchasers of the Covid-19 vaccine in the world. Currently, 1.4 billion doses of vaccine are pre-ordered in Europe, which is equivalent to 3.1 doses per person living in the EU. This makes Europe fourth in terms of per capita orders after Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia.

When can I start vaccination in France?

Health Minister Olivier Véran said the government plans to start vaccination in early 2021.

Government spokesman Gabriel Attal gave a more specific date in an interview with the news provider France 2 Tuesday, November 17th. “The European Medicines Agency says it believes it will be able to validate the first vaccine at the end of the year for distribution in January.”

Meanwhile, the newspaper echo It is reported that AstraZeneca (4.4 million doses) and Pfizer / BioNTech (3.5 million doses) vaccines will be launched in January, and Moderna and Novavax vaccines will be launched in February.

Who prioritizes vaccination?

The effectiveness of the vaccine has not yet been fully verified, so the health agency Autolite des Sante envisions two possible strategies.

Vaccination can target as many people as possible with the goal of creating herd immunity, or it can focus on those at highest risk of the virus. The latter includes people over the age of 65, people with chronic illnesses, health care workers, people in hospitals, long-term care facilities, prisons and other communal accommodations.

A decision will be made when more scientific data about the vaccine becomes available. The Conseil Consultatif National d’éthique Ethics Advisor will also be consulted.

Is vaccination mandatory?

Politicians such as Senate Chair Gerard Larcher and MEP Yannick Jado In favor of compulsory vaccination In France.

But senior members of the government are more modest.Health Minister told news sources BFMTV November 17: “It’s not a decision made that way with a finger snap, especially in a country like France where people reserve vaccines.”

A Survey by Ipsos Released on November 5th 54% of French people opposed compulsory vaccination For Covid-19.

How much does the vaccine cost?

In his interview with BMFTVOlivier Véran also said that people would not have to pay for the vaccine. He states: “All treatments for Covid-19 are free. I can’t imagine having French people pay for vaccinations.”

Free vaccination has not yet been officially confirmed, but the state budgeted € 1.5 billion for the purchase of the vaccine in 2021. echoIncludes logistics organization and vaccination payments for vaccination.

How many vaccines do you need to immunize France?

High-ranking officials for health Publish the report In July, I gave an overview of the various scenarios. One of them estimated that if the vaccine needed only one or two shots to be effective, a total of 46 million doses of the virus would be needed to immunize the French people.

It is estimated that 60-70% of the population, or 40-47 million, will need to be vaccinated to achieve near zero virus circulation.

However, there are still questions about the immune lifespan that the vaccine can provide.

Professor Daniel Camus, an infectious disease scholar and professor at the Pasteur Institute, told news sources. West France: “If you need to redo vaccinations every year, as in the case of the flu, that doesn’t really matter.

“But if the vaccine lasts only a couple of months, it’s not exactly the same. Only experience and time are known.”

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