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COVID-19: Coronavirus was the third leading cause of death in October-not in the top 10 10 months ago

COVID-19: Coronavirus was the third leading cause of death in October-not in the top 10 10 months ago


Coronavirus was the third leading cause of death in England and Wales in October and was not included in the 10 leading causes of death last month.

The National Bureau of Statistics (ONS) states that 3,367 (7.8%) of the 43,265 deaths in the UK last month were involved. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears..

In the UK, 2,713 more people died than the five-year average in October.

The death toll registered in Wales in October was 2,992, 258 above the five-year average.

England and Wales figures show mortality rates for deaths for the following reasons: Coronavirus It has been increasing for 2 consecutive months.

This is because weekly government test and trace numbers indicate that a total of 167,369 people tested positive for COVID-19 at least once a week until November 11.

This is the highest number of weeks since the system was launched at the end of May, up 11% from the previous week.

According to ONS figures, the age-standardized mortality ratio for COVID-19 deaths in October was 63.5 per 100,000 in England and 81.9 per 100,000 in Wales.

The UK’s age-standardized mortality ratio for September by COVID-19 was 12.6 per 100,000.

In Wales there were 10.8 per 100,000.

This rate is a weighted average of age-specific mortality per 100,000 people.

Mortality from COVID-19 increased in October, but remains significantly lower than in April and May.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are the leading causes of death in October, accounting for 11.3% of all deaths in England and 10.2% in Wales.

Heart disease was the second leading cause of death in October.

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According to ONS, the death toll in the UK in 2020 was 448,579 so far, 37,873 higher than the five-year average from January to October.

29,018 people have died in Wales, 1,419 above the five-year average.

COVID-19 was the root cause of 50,012 deaths (11.1%) in the United Kingdom from January to October 2020 and 2,629 (9.1%) all deaths in Wales.

This week’s government test and trace data show that about 60.5% of those who tested positive traced a close relationship. This hasn’t changed since last week.

in the meantime, Oxford University said The COVID-19 vaccine provokes a strong immune response in the elderly.

Data published in The Lancet Medical Journal suggest that Phase 1 and Phase 2 results suggest that one of the groups at highest risk of death or serious illness from COVID-19 may be able to build immunity. doing.

Analysis: If testing and tracing is intended to be improved, it’s heading for a late start

Rowland Manthorpe, Technical Correspondent

The news about vaccines means that the end of the pandemic is on the horizon, but even in the most optimistic scenarios it’s still a bit far away-and COVID is skyrocketing again.

Two weeks after the blockade, there are signs that the infection has leveled off, but hospitalizations and deaths are still on the rise, and will probably be for some time.

Not only is this desperately sad, but it also raises urgent issues for the government. What are you doing during the blockade to ensure that testing and tracing work effectively?

Today’s official figures provide little evidence of activity. The percentage of people contacted and the time it took to reach them are still well below their goals (but only in the first week of the blockade).

The government seems to be considering rapid testing as an alternative, but its effectiveness is questionable and how it connects to existing systems.

Tests and traces were given for 4 weeks to make improvements. Based on this evidence, it is heading towards a late start, as expected.

Sky news

© Sky News 2020


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