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In the US states, which have the lowest COVID restrictions, the number of cases and deaths is currently the fastest.

In the US states, which have the lowest COVID restrictions, the number of cases and deaths is currently the fastest.


Cases of new COVID-19 are increasing in almost every state and territory in the United States, but some are more serious and more widespread than others.

A clear theory as to why some states are more affected by the virus than others during the fall and winter seasons comes down to regulation. New data The current outbreak of COVID-19 suggests that it is more prominent and serious in states with weak containment measures.

Indicators that measure the state government’s response to a pandemic are evaluated in the range 0-100, with zero representing the limited precautions being taken and 100 representing the maximum amount of mitigation protocol.

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This number can fluctuate, and some states take advanced precautions at the beginning of the pandemic spring and loosen them when cases show signs of mitigation. As the pandemic continued, a link emerged between the rigor of public health protocols and the severity of the outbreak.

“States that maintain more management policies in a more consistent way (for example, New England) have seen a surge in summer, as opposed to states that rolled back very quickly, such as Florida and Texas. Avoided, and the fall surge is now smaller. Thomas Hale, associate professor of global public policy at the Brabatonic Government School and head of Oxford tracking, told the New England Times. I think timing is really important. “

Some of these states that have seen the loosest controls are currently experiencing high outbreaks: South Dakota and North Dakota, Wyoming, Iowa, Kansas, Indiana, and Arizona, among others. , South Carolina, Oklahoma.

Previously rigorous blockade measurements, such as New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, Hawaii, and Rhode Island, have significantly lower infection rates, but many states continue to have higher infection rates.

“I’m sure the problem is the conversation that’s happening in the Hall of Fame now. What do you do next? Obviously you’re the mistake we made last time when things went out of control. You don’t want to wait too long, so you have to make a decision and be decisive, “said Wafaa El-Sadr, an epidemiologist at Columbia University. “If you start thinking about acting, it’s probably time to act.”

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