IUC Crider Managing Type 1 Diabetes Through a Pandemic | Don’t Miss This
Bloomington — Indiana’s senior offensive lineman, Harry Crider, faced an important personal decision for the 2020 college football season.
Entering his second year as an IU offensive line starter, the 6-foot-4,311-pound Crider returned to his natural center position after starting with most of the left guards last season. He felt that IU could build the best season since 1993 and have an even more special year.
However, as a type 1 diabetic, Crider faced a health risk when trying to play college football during a COVID-19 pandemic with a weakened immune system.
“Obviously, there are a few extra concerns and a little more vulnerable to autoimmune problems,” Crider said.
After consulting with his doctor and family, Crider chose to move forward and play soccer. He was the leading leader of the 9th Hoosiers (4-0) playing at the 3rd Ohio State University (3-0) in IU’s first Top 10 matchups since 1969.
In discussions with doctors, Crider learned more serious issues related to COVID and diabetes, especially in people with type 2 diabetes and the elderly.
“I wasn’t too worried about it because I was young and in good shape,” Crider said.
Type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes, affects 1.4 million adults over the age of 20 and 187,000 children under the age of 20, according to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It occurs in chronic conditions when the pancreas produces little or no insulin and appears frequently in childhood or adolescence.
Crider was diagnosed at the age of 10. It started as a flu illness. Type 1 diabetes also has a genetic component, and Crider had a family history of the disease on her mother’s side.
“My mother knew some of the symptoms, so we started seeing such patterns,” Crider said. “I actually had a home blood glucose test kit, so I was able to get the test at home before going to the doctor. It’s like the 300s, I think it was around 350. So from there it’s pretty much It was clear. What was next? “
Crider spent the next few nights at Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis. He called it a “boot camp” and learned the basics of diabetes and how to manage it. He has done so throughout his high school career at Columbus East and his college career at IU.
“My parents were always watching me really closely by them for the first few years I got it,” Crider said. “They didn’t let me get out of their sight, but as I grew older, they grew obviously much more independent in that regard, and that’s basically the second nature now. But you know, but I always keep track of my blood sugar, not too high or too low, and always take insulin when needed.
“I’m using an insulin pump, so I’m going to add insulin as needed, check before and half-time like a game, and do I need gatorade to raise sugar in half-time? It’s easy to see if you need insulin to lower your blood glucose a bit. “
As a grown-up Crider, he was able to look at examples of football-savvy type 1 diabetic patients, such as former NFL quarterbacks and Jay Cutler from Santa Claus. Like the Crider, Baltimore Ravens’ tight-end Mark Andrews has been playing football this season over the type 1 diabetes pandemic.
“Jay Cutler, he was one of the first people I knew when I was young,” Crider said. “That’s why it was cool to follow him throughout his career. Obviously he’s also an Indiana guy.”
Crider was able to give back to Riley Children’s Hospital as part of a senior high school project. The project raised $ 16,000 through a lecture as a hospital ambassador. Based on his scholarships, leadership, and community services, Crider is considering a number of prestigious college football awards, including the Wuerffel Trophy and William V Campbell Trophy.
“There were some speech promises in front of a group of people talking to me in connection with Riley,” Crider said. “So, yeah, only speaking in public and promoting the project got a lot of support, and (I) am very grateful, and it turned out to work.”
Crider is not the same type of speaker in the IU locker room, but his teammates say he is leading by setting an example in a quiet and consistent way.
“He will never be the loudest man in the room,” IU left a tackle on Caleb Jones. “But when he speaks, nine out of ten are so important that it’s better to listen.”
Mr. Crider said he was careful to follow a protocol away from practice, wear masks and keep a social distance. Hoosiers took a break for two weeks during summer training and hasn’t had any serious outbreaks since.
“Obviously, I was lucky because I couldn’t get a COVID yet,” Crider said. “So I want to keep it, and yeah, it’s been good so far.”
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