Ohio Weddings Infect 32 With Coronavirus
The bride and groom in the United States became open about the “horrible” experience of turning a wedding into a superspreading event and warned other couples to rethink about hitchhiking during a pandemic.
Mikaira and Anthony Bishop were among the 32 infected at the wedding. Coronavirus, All three grandparents who attended also tested positive.
Newlyweds from Ohio, USA told a local train station WLWT They reduced their wedding on October 31 from 200 to just 83 and provided masks and bottles of hand sanitizer with the slogan “spread love, not bacteria.”
However, as Mrs. Bishop walked down the aisle, she felt something was wrong and noticed some worrisome details.
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“Honestly, my big moment was when the ceremony started, the door opened and my parents took me to the aisle,” she said.
“The first thing I see is that you can see everyone’s face, and that’s when I notice, awesome no one is wearing a mask.
“When I saw everyone not wearing masks, I was like,’Oh, well, I think we’re going to go with it for a moment,” Bishop added.
They now believe that the reception had a “turning point” when the wedding became a superspreading event.
People were in close contact as the music began to play, even though there were socially distant guests at the table.
“It was probably a superspreader … a dance floor,” said Mrs. Bishop. “Everyone is in each other’s space and there is no mask.”
The couple had to shorten their honeymoon after they started receiving calls to say they tested their guests positive.
They also began to develop symptoms and were diagnosed with COVID-19. Mr. Bishop lost his sense of taste and smell, and Mrs. Bishop became very ill.
Mrs. Bishop said two of her three grandparents infected with the coronavirus had reached the emergency department and felt guilty about what had happened.
“The funny thing is that only my grandparents wore masks all the time. They actually wore masks except when they were having dinner,” she said.
The couple decided to publish their story to warn others about the dangers of the wedding.
“Wedding is definitely scary now. I didn’t expect almost half of the wedding guests to get sick,” said Mrs. Bishop.
“You are at that moment. You are having fun. You are no longer thinking about COVID.”
“Unpleasant and irresponsible”
After dozens of infections and forced closures of multiple schools, the October 17th event in New York turned into a “unpleasant” superspreading event for a wedding in the United States. It’s not just expressions.
The wedding at the North Fork Country Club on Long Island was attended by 113 guests, more than double the current limit for these types of events. New York post Report.
A total of 41 people were diagnosed COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears In connection with the wedding, 159 people had to complete two weeks of quarantine.
Local schools have also been forced to close after five or more positive cases have been associated with them.
“It was unpleasant and irresponsible, not to mention illegal,” said New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who now has to pay a fine of over $ 30,000 ($ 41,250).
Another wedding in Maine, USA It resulted in more than 175 coronavirus infections and 7 deaths.
At the wedding on August 7, more than 65 guests attended the Big Moose Inn reception, exceeding the state limit of only 50 attending the wedding.
Subsequent inspections by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that the inn’s tables were not spaced sufficiently apart and that staff were not wearing masks.
Local station News center main Wedding guests were reportedly not wearing masks and socially distanced, even though the sign had instructed them to do so.
Importantly, the inn also did not collect contact tracking information from guests.
Since then, multiple outbreaks in Maine have been associated with wedding receptions. Among them was an outbreak at the Maple Crestry Rehabilitation Center, a geriatric care facility, which infected 39 people and killed 6 people with the coronavirus.
There were more than 70 confirmed cases related to weddings in York County Prison. Fox news The staff there reportedly attended the reception.
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