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Wear purple to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer


In 2014, the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition, which consists of 80 advocates from 30 countries, launched its first Pancreatic Cancer Day on Thursday, November 19, this year, “wearing purple” for people. By encouraging that, we promoted outreach, visibility, and involvement.

Pancreatic cancer is the fifth most deadly and eleventh most common cancer in the United Kingdom, but its survival and diagnosis rates are still behind that of other developed countries.

The main reason for this is the relatively lack of knowledge about the functioning of the pancreas itself.

MP Sir John Hayes (43133845)
MP Sir John Hayes (43133845)

The pancreas, the parenchymal gland behind the abdomen, is involved in the production of enzymes needed to digest food and hormones, including insulin, needed to regulate blood sugar levels.

When pancreatic cells are damaged, a single cancer cell grows and divides rapidly,


Anyone can get pancreatic cancer, but scientists have identified many risk factors, including age, smoking, obesity, family history, and diabetes. All of these are known to increase the likelihood of developing pancreatic cancer.

Tragically, pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rate of any common cancer in the UK, with only 7% of patients surviving 5 years after diagnosis.

For 44% diagnosed in an emergency, only 11.9% survive for more than a year.

Therefore, it is important to increase the number of people (currently 18%) who can get an early diagnosis during stage 1 or 2 of the condition and to enable rapid treatment that dramatically improves the results.

Therefore, this year’s World Pancreatic Cancer Day focuses on raising awareness of early signs and symptoms.

Although difficult to diagnose, it is advisable to see a doctor as the initial symptoms are mild or vague and are often caused by pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).

Experience digestive problems, abnormal stools, nausea or vomiting, upper abdominal and / or back pain, loss of appetite, sudden weight loss or jaundice (yellowing of the skin and white of the eyes).

Last year, the NHS was praised for making various improvements in surgery and treatment, resulting in a significant improvement in the survival rates of many cancers.

However, experts have revealed that an estimated 50,000 cancer patients missed the diagnosis and 33,000 faced delays in treatment as a result of the blockade of COVID-19, so visits to healthcare providers It is more important than ever to not postpone.

Throughout our lives, each of us faces many difficult challenges.

Need the help of family and friends to overcome.

Illness can affect anyone anytime, anywhere. Therefore, I believe I have a duty to raise awareness and ask Congress to do more to cure illness and suffering.

Wear purple this Thursday with participants from the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition campaign. I hope you do too!


What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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