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Studies suggest that bacteria in bed dust may actually improve children’s health


Copenhagen Denmark- If you’ve heard of dusty sheets, you might think it’s time to do the laundry. Danish researchers say you shouldn’t be in such a hurry to clean the linen. With regard to children’s bedrooms, a new study found that microbes that live in dust may actually be beneficial to later health.

A team from the University of Copenhagen and the Danish Center for Pediatric Asthma says there is a link between microbes in the dust of children’s beds and bacteria in the human body. The links show that these microbes play a role in reducing allergies. asthma, And as the child grows up, an autoimmune disease.

You can’t see them with the naked eye, but researchers say the beds are full of microscopic life. These creatures, Especially in childhood, Affects the development of the human microbiome. This includes how resilient our bodies are to certain illnesses.

Researchers examined bed dust samples from the rooms of 577 babies during the study. The team also collected respiratory samples from 542 children and compared the two. This review is the largest study of its kind and measures the composition of environmental microbes in dust and bacteria that inhabit the respiratory tract of children.

“We see a correlation between the bacteria found in bed dust and the bacteria found in children. They are not the same bacteria, but they affect each other. It’s an interesting finding that suggests that it may affect the reduction of the risk of asthma and allergies in later years, “explains Søren J. Sørensen, professor of biology at UCPH. University release..

Microbes in the house help the child’s immune system

It may not sound very hygienic, but in this study, Microorganisms in family homes Helps children build protection against both illness and allergies. Beds in particular serve as a central gathering place for bacteria, fungi, and various microorganisms. The authors of the study find that constantly cleaning these particles can hurt your overall health and may not help.

“We are well aware that it is important not only for health such as asthma and allergies, but also for human illnesses such as type 2 diabetes and obesity. However, we are good at treating these illnesses. To do this, we need to understand the process by which microbes emerge in the early stages of our lives, and the bed seems to play a role, “adds Sørensen.

“The microbes in the bed are affected by the surroundings of the dwelling where high bacterial diversity is beneficial. The simple message is that bed sheets may not need to be constantly changed, but definitely say so. We need to investigate this a bit more before we can do it. “

Country life is good for your health

Researchers have analyzed 930 species of bacteria and fungi that live in bed dust. All samples were from the bed of a child about 6 months old at the time of the study.Survey results reveal that there are significant differences in microbial diversity Live in a rural area Compared to the city.

“Previous studies have shown that people living in cities have less diversity in the gut flora than people living in more rural areas. This usually spends more time outdoors and more. Due to spending time in Contact with nature.. Our study shows that changes in the flora in bed dust can also be an important reason for this difference, “Sørensen reports.

The team will add that kids People who have pets Or older siblings also have a lower risk of developing autoimmune disease. Researchers are currently planning to determine whether different types of bed microbes alter a child’s susceptibility to allergies and asthma.

Studies will appear in the journal Microbiome..

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