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That’s why age isn’t a barrier to successful weight loss, according to a new study-fitness

That’s why age isn’t a barrier to successful weight loss, according to a new study-fitness
That’s why age isn’t a barrier to successful weight loss, according to a new study-fitness


According to a new study, obese patients over the age of 60 can lose as much weight as young people who use only lifestyle changes.

Studies led by researchers at the University of Warwick and the University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust show that age is not a barrier to weight loss.

Researchers have found that their findings correct common social misconceptions about the effectiveness of weight loss programs in older people and dispel myths about the potential benefits of older people in trying to lose weight. I hope it helps.

The findings are based on an analysis of patient records from hospital-based obesity services and are reported in the journal Clinical Endocrinology.

This retrospective study was conducted at the Warwickshire Institute (WISDEM) for the study of diabetes, endocrinology and metabolism at UHCW. Researchers randomly selected 242 patients who participated in WISDE M-based obesity services between 2005 and 2016, and divided them into two groups (a group under 60 and a group between 60 and 78). Compare and service.

All patients were weighed both before and after lifestyle interventions, adjusted and adjusted within the WISDEM-based obesity service, and weight loss rates were calculated in both groups. By comparison, the two groups were statistically equivalent, with the group over 60 decreased by an average of 7.3%, while the group under 60 decreased by 6.9%. Both groups had similar time with obesity services. The average was 33.6 months for those over 60 and 41.5 months for those under 60.

The hospital-based program focused on dietary changes, psychological support, and encouragement of physical activity, and used only lifestyle-based changes tailored to individual patients. Most of the patients referred to the obesity service were pathological obesity with a BMI of more than 40 kgm-2.

There are more than 50 comorbidities of obesity that can be alleviated as you lose weight, including diabetes, mental states such as depression and anxiety, osteoarthritis, and other mechanical problems. Obesity is also associated with increased mortality and poor health.

Dr. Thomas Barber, lead author of the Warwick Medical College at the University of Warwick, said: Many of these resemble the effects of aging, so we can argue that weight loss becomes more relevant as we get older, and this is something we should accept.

“There are several reasons why people downplay weight loss in older people. These are the” ageist “view that weight loss has nothing to do with older people, and the older people gain weight due to dietary changes and increased exercise. It includes the misconception that the ability to reduce is diminished. Elderly people may find that hospital-based obesity services are not suitable for them. Service providers and policy makers need to understand the importance of weight loss in obese older people in order to maintain good health and well-being and promote healthy aging. Moreover, age itself should not contribute to clinical decisions regarding the implementation of lifestyle management for the elderly.

“Age should not be an obstacle to obesity lifestyle management. Instead of creating barriers to older people who have access to weight loss programs, they should actively promote the process. Otherwise, social. There is a risk of ignoring older people more unnecessarily through the misunderstanding of age discrimination. ”

(This article is published from the news agency feed without changing the text. Only the headline has changed.)

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