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Coronavirus News: Most infections are prevalent by asymptomatic people, according to the CDC

Coronavirus News: Most infections are prevalent by asymptomatic people, according to the CDC
Coronavirus News: Most infections are prevalent by asymptomatic people, according to the CDC


New York (WABC)-The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has determined that most coronavirus infections are spread by asymptomatic people.

The results of these findings were published on the agency’s website on Friday.

According to the CDC 24% of spreads are from asymptomatic people Compared to 41 percent coming from people experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.

The remaining one-third comes from people who are thought to be presymptomatic.

What you need to know about coronavirus:
Where to take tests in New York, NJ, Connecticut
Postal Code Coronavirus-New York City
How the coronavirus changed the New York area
Are there any symptoms of coronavirus?
NYCCOVID-19 Positive Rate Tracker

Today’s heading is:

Donald Trump Jr. test positive for COVID-19
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NYC Test & Trace Corps Announces New Tool for Validating Official Contact Tracers
New tool New Yorkers will be easier to see The person who reaches out to them is an official contract tracer. NYC Test & Trace Corps announced the launch of “Validate My Tracer” on Friday. Mayor Bill de Blasio again warned that New York City is moving towards new restrictions as data show that cases of COVID-19 are still increasing.

“We are actively launching this tool to keep New Yorkers as safe as possible,” said Lisa Hendricks, Chief Technology Officer of NYC Test & Trace Corps. “Contact tracing is a proven and true public health measure, and this new technology will improve its practice.”

Nassau County Launches Safe Thanksgiving Campaign

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New York Governor Cuomo Wins International Emmy Award for COVID Leadership
The International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences will be held on Friday by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Winner of this year’s International Emmy Awards Founder’s Award Acknowledging his leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic. The academy acknowledged Cuomo’s “skillful use of television to inform and calm people around the world.” The Emmy Awards will be presented during the Academy’s Live Awards show, which will be streamed at 11:00 am on the Academy’s website on November 23.

Not just the number: millions of people mourning the 250,000 Americans who died in COVID-19
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Cuomo’s sticker lets the governor take a peek at your Thanksgiving gathering
Buffalo sticker company Making money while having fun Governor Andrew Cuomo’s mission to limit holiday gatherings throughout the state. Zoom Buffalo sells a window sticker called “The 11th Guest” that represents an order that only 10 people can attend at an indoor rally. The family can have Governor Cuomo take a peek at them and monitor the holiday festival to make sure they have the right number of guests.

New Jersey Coronavirus Update: What’s Next?That’s not clear, Murphy says
What’s Next for New Jersey?Governor Phil Murphy Say it’s not clear.. Murphy said at a press conference on Friday that he would not close the restaurant’s indoor dining unless “absolute evidence” spread. The next step may not be obvious, but Murphy also said that everything was at the table.

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CDC updated Thanksgiving guidelines
Travel Information Outside New York, New Jersey, Connecticut

New CDC guidelines for masks
New York City Positive Tracker
How the coronavirus changed the New York area
Are there any symptoms of coronavirus?

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