Psychic, who “predicted” the defeat of Coronavirus and Trump, shares his mysterious prediction of 2021
ESPs who claim to have predicted the coronavirus pandemic and Donald Trump’s defeat shared his mysterious predictions for 2021.
And Nicholas Aujura predicts viral biscuits, a new Harry Potter book, Megan, and sensational interviews with the Duchess of Sussex.
In 2018, the 35-year-old woman talked about the world-dominant “flu” disaster. He believes this vision foresaw the outbreak of Covid-19, which is likened to the Spanish flu.
South Londoners also predicted that Trump would lose the US elections and protest worldwide. Both happened in 2020.
Today, past life therapists, hypnotherapists, and psychic astrologers look to 2021 and beyond, saying: “Some of my visions are very literal. Others are more symbolic, open to interpretation, and almost like dreams with hidden messages.
“This year, a lot of people have asked me about the coronavirus. I have a vision that it will level off after the New Year and the infection rate will drop to control by spring.
“But I predict that virus panic and restrictions will continue until 2022.”
Nicholas, who believes to be an Egyptian queen and lion in his past life, first noticed his spiritual talent as a child, but his first really overwhelming when he was 17 years old. Experienced.
I still couldn’t explain what happened, he said: “I had this almost out-of-body experience, and I was able to see some of my past life. There is no logic, but it turns out that what I was seeing was me in my previous life.
“I had thousands of past lives. I was the Queen of Egypt, the maid, the teacher of the French Revolution, the deer, the lion, and lived in another galaxy.”
He was very inspired by his experience of abandoning his plans to study history and economics at university, and instead Nicholas was trained as a past life therapist.
Since then, he has a regular vision, some of which is brought to him through dreams, and some of which attacks him on the go.
And he believes his gift helped him predict some of the most newsworthy events these days.
He explained: “In 2018, the word flu continued to reach me. It stayed in my mind because it wasn’t the word I use. If I were talking in everyday life, I would say flu. I Regarded it as a global disaster related to meat and livestock.
“The term influenza is used because the Covid-19 pandemic is compared to the outbreak of the Spanish flu. Some people believe it occurred in the Wuhan wildlife market in China.
“I also imagined Donald Trump’s defeat. The US elections were clearly so strangled that my vision would come true when Joe Biden finally took the lead. It was unrealistic to see. “
In addition, Nicholas believes that his vision of global protest in 2019 is partly related to the Black Lives Matter movement.
Also, the image of cupcake-style clothing was actually the image of dress singer Ariana Grande worn at the 2020 Grammy Awards.
He continued. “The image of the protest I saw is now very important. People all over the world are standing on the streets, standing up and crying out this year.”
He added: “Black Lives Matter was a big move, but there were other protests around the world, including France and Nigeria.
“The other thing I saw before 2020 was a burning hospital. At the time I thought it was a literal fire, but now the NHS and medical services around the world are being pushed to the edge by the virus. I think it symbolizes the method.
“Similarly, I had a vision of World War III, but it was probably not a war between countries, but a war against Covid-19.”
Currently, Nicholas shares the 2021 forecast. This includes a vision of public unrest, with protests going on around the world for the next few years.
He also predicts the massive movement of people, with “thousands” of countries moving at once.
“I see people moving somewhere for a better life. It’s like a massive escape. I’m not talking hundreds-I’m talking thousands Means, “he said.
Elsewhere, he has seen the vision of Rishi Sunak’s resignation, a raging fire in New York, USA, and the possibility of a broken heart for three A-list celebrities.
“The words’Tom Cruise’and’Heart’ continue to reach me,” he said. “Maybe it’s literal and he doesn’t have a heart problem, or it’s figurative and he’ll experience a farewell or something.
“Natalie Portman and Kim Kardashian also have romantic heartaches. Who knows, maybe she will split up with Kanye West?”
Some of Nicholas’s more friendly visions include Peter Andre’s resumption of his musical career, a new Harry Potter book, and digestive biscuits that still become viral for unknown reasons to him. ..
He also sees big things on the horizon of Megan and Harry.
He continued. “I have the vision that Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, appears somewhere on the screen and conducts some sort of interview to reveal secrets about the royal family. Another for her and Harry. I’m also watching babies. “
Worryingly, some of the predictions that he will have spelling problems and heartaches a year ahead.
“I had some very scary visions. One of the world leaders in men was assassinated. I didn’t know who he was, but I felt he was sending shock waves all over the world. Obviously, I hope it doesn’t happen, “he said.
“I also had the vision that the World Summit was plagued by sex scandals, with the rise of far-right politics, especially in Southern Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and that volcanic eruptions could lead to major weather changes.”
“And the word’swine flu’came to me and saw a large image of a panic,” he continued. I don’t think it will be another virus, but given what happened this year, I think the reaction will be alarming. “
Nicholas silences the logical aspects of his brain fighting to understand what he sees when he has a vision, especially when it may present a newsworthy event. Explained that it is difficult.
Despite his amazing predictions, he claims to be “not special.” Instead, we all believe that we have the same abilities, but skepticism prevents us from trusting them.
“All I do is listen to what we all have,” he said. “Since we live in a logical world, these messages are not always displayed, but I think we all have that sixth sense.
“People write down small things like knowing the phone ringing or accidentally trying to get bad news, but a little further away from the distractions of modern life, listen to something deeper. May be possible. “
And despite being asked many times, he wants to emphasize that one of the things he can’t do is predict the number of lotteries won.
He concluded that: “Many people are open-minded and intrigued by what I’m doing, but of course you’re a skeptic.
“They say something like,’Why don’t you predict the lottery?’ But I couldn’t control the vision I was seeing and winning the lottery was It will serve no purpose in the wider world, and becoming a millionaire is not the fate of everyone.
“I’m skeptical of myself and trying to see both logic and psychic powers. But after all, I’m not hurting anyone in my work, so skeptics do it. To do.”
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