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The number of COVID-19 cases reaches a daily high in NB with 23 new cases

The number of COVID-19 cases reaches a daily high in NB with 23 new cases


Halifax-New Brunswick has reported 23 new cases of COVID-19 (the newest cases of the day), bringing the number of active cases to 71.

On Saturday, the state announced a new case. This includes 16 cases in Zone 2, 6 cases in Zone 1, and 1 case in Zone 3.

“We are facing a serious situation with a new virus infection in New Brunswick. What is happening in our state in terms of a record increase in the number of cases across Canada in the United States. I know it’s a direct relationship to what’s happening nationwide in other jurisdictions. Globally in the United Kingdom and Europe, “said Dr. Jennifer Russell, Chief Health Officer. Said.

“If we do not take immediate action to delay the spread of this disease, our situation can quickly become very serious.”

23 new cases

The six cases in Zone 1 (Moncton area) are:

  • 1 person under 19 years old

  • One person between the ages of 20 and 29

  • 3 people aged 30-39

  • One person aged 60-69

The 16 cases in Zone 2 (Saint John region) are:

  • 2 people under 19 years old

  • 3 people 20-29 years old

  • 30-39 people 1 person

  • 5 people 40-49 people

  • Two people 50-59

  • 60-69 years old per person

  • Two people 80-89

One case in Zone 3 (Fredericton area) is 30-39 individuals.

All cases are self-isolating and under investigation.

“What’s happening in our state, where the number of active cases is growing rapidly, shows how vulnerable our bubble is,” said Premier Brain Higgs of New Brunswick. I will. “This is an important time for our state, but we can still turn it around. We are for everyone, whether employers, businesses or residents, for ourselves and for everyone. You need to do the right thing. “

“We know that most people adhere to it in public, but some are not vigilant. That’s what led to our situation, but it’s not too late,” said Dorothy Shepherd Health. The minister says. “We know what we need to do to turn this around.”

NB whole case

Case numbers are categorized into seven health zones in New Brunswick.

Zone 1 – Moncton Region: 126 confirmed cases (32 active cases)

Zone 2 – St. John Region: 63 confirmed cases (30 active cases)

Zone 3 – Fredericton Region: 81 confirmed cases (7 active cases)

Zone 4 – Edmundston Region: 8 confirmed cases

Zone 5 – Campbellton Region: 137 confirmed cases

Zone 6 – Bathurst Region: 5 confirmed cases (2 active cases)

Zone 7 – Miramichi Area: 4 Confirmed Cases

The state recently announced that if residents are experiencing mild to moderate COVID-19 symptoms, they can undergo an online self-assessment.

Recovery efforts

Zone 1 and Zone 2, which stretch from Southfield to Campobello Island, are currently in the orange stage of recovery.

“To get them back to the yellow stage and keep the rest of the state at that level, we need a new effort to delay the spread of COVID-19, which we need now,” Russell said. .. “Everyone needs to reduce their close contact to as few as possible.”

Russell noted the unobservable nature of the virus.

“People sending COVID-19 can be assured that they are unaware that they are sending COVID. People infected with COVID-19 are infected with COVID-19. We can guarantee that you are unaware that you are doing it, “Russell said. “It’s a very subtle and very discouraging type of virus and infection because it’s quiet. I don’t know if it’s happening, but it’s happening.”

Occurrence in a nursing home

Public health declared an outbreak on Friday at Shanek Stacker Hall, a nursing home in St. John.

On Friday, 421 tests were conducted at the Parkland Shanek Scan Pass. As of 9:30 am on Saturday, 106 tests have been processed from Tucker Hall, with three new positives in the area and a total of four confirmed cases so far at the facility.

Meanwhile, the Institute of Microbiology continued to process the rest of the tests on Saturday.

Exposure notification

On Saturday, public health identified positive cases of travelers who may have been infected on November 7 during their next flight.

Air Canada Flight 0992 – Arrival in Toronto from Mexico City at 7:20 pm

Air Canada Flight 8918 – Arrive from Toronto to Moncton at 11:43 pm

There is a process that public health follows when dealing with cases where the public may have been exposed to a person who tested positive for COVID-19. Authorities will contact these individuals directly and will not make individual announcements if records management can identify and identify persons who may have been exposed. If authorities are unable to pinpoint who may have been exposed to the virus, public health will issue a public notice to contact those who may have been affected.

Collecting contact information

Managed locations where seats are provided for dining, drinking, socializing, celebrations, ceremonies, or entertainment purposes must record name and contact information, as well as the time of everyone in attendance.

Please keep the information in a safe place that is not open to the public. For more information, see Collection of Names and Contacts for Mandatory Order COVID-19. There are also forms that can be printed to help companies.


Police officers and peace officers, as well as Judiciary and Public Security Department public health inspectors and WorkSafe New Brunswick inspectors, are in Zones 1 and 2 to ensure that the rules are being followed.

Those who refuse to comply with the provisions of the compulsory order face penalties.

“We can’t continue as if the number of cases is still small. It’s impossible,” Russell said. “They are no longer low and there is a significant risk that they will rise higher in the next few days.”

Note about mask

Russell pointed out that wearing a mask can give residents a false sense of security.

“Once it [transmission] It’s very difficult to manage without the cooperation of each and every citizen, “Russell said, adding a mask does not guarantee safety. “Just because you’re wearing a mask doesn’t mean you can get closer to people.”

Vehicle traffic information

New Brunswick Online dashboard Contains information about the traffic of vehicles approaching the New Brunswick border.

On Friday, 1,998 personal and 1,060 commercial vehicles attempted to cross the border into the state.

Of the vehicles trying to cross the border, 26 were denied entry with a denial rate of 0.9%.


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