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Needleless COVID-19 vaccine is possible!Goodbye scary injection


Scientists claim that a needle-free COVID-19 vaccine may arrive. If this is true, innovation really helps many people who are afraid of needles.

Experts claim that it is not necessary to inject the COVID-19 vaccine. Can microarrays eliminate the use of needles?

(Photo: Photo by Joe Raedle / Getty Images)
Lisa Taylor was vaccinated with COVID-19 by RN Jose Muniz while participating in a vaccine study at the Research Center of America in Hollywood, Florida, on August 7, 2020. The Research Centers of America are currently conducting a COVID-19 vaccine trial under the Federal Operation Warp Speed ​​program. The center is looking for volunteers to participate in clinical trials in collaboration with the federal government and major pharmaceutical companies competing for the development of vaccines that may prevent COVID-19.

The new technology brings excitement to people who are ready to be vaccinated but do not want to tolerate the pain of receiving an injection.

“Fear of needles is part of the resistance to a complete adult vaccine,” said Rachel Skinner, a professor of medicine and health at the University of Sydney. Sydney Morning Herald..

She also explained that fear of needles also affects immunization rates from early childhood.

“It often has to do with seeing the incoming needle,” she added.

What is a Microarray Patch?

Skinner is currently the team leader and is exploring possible alternatives to needle vaccine delivery. The new technology is called microarray patches.

Researchers hope that this innovation can be used immediately to manage v.Influenza and the new coronavirus Axin.

Experts claim that it is not necessary to inject the COVID-19 vaccine. Can microarrays eliminate the use of needles?

(Photo: Photo by Leonardo Fernandez Virolia / Getty Images)
CDIDr held in Caracas, Venezuela on March 14, 2020. After proclaiming a health emergency at Alcides Rodriguez, he was vaccinated during a national vaccination campaign conducted by the government. Venezuela’s Vice President Delcy Rodriguez confirmed the first two cases of COVID-19 on Friday the 13th. President Nicolas Maduro declared a state of emergency in the medical sector, suspended all flights from Europe and Colombia, and banned public rallies. There are international concerns about managing the COVID-19 epidemic in Venezuela due to its collapsed health care system.

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Microarray patches are covered with over 3000 microprojections coated with a dry vaccine formulation. This is a square centimeter of biocompatible polymer that can be applied to the skin via a disposable applicator.

Once attached to the surface of the skin, it penetrates the outer layer and quickly delivers the vaccine dose to the cell layer immediately below.

What Causes Needle Fear?

Using microarray patches with the COVID-19 vaccine eliminates the need for many to be afraid. For now, many people, especially children, don’t want to be vaccinated because of needles.

by Health lineThere are several reasons why people are prone to develop tripanophobia or needle phobia. These include changes in the chemistry of the brain, negative experiences brought about by a particular situation or subject, and learning from negative experiences.

If you have this phobia, you may experience the following when you are stabbed with a needle, or even when you look at a needle.

  • Avoid or escape medical care
  • insomnia
  • Panic attack
  • dizzy
  • High blood pressure
  • anxiety
  • Feel emotional
  • syncope
  • Racing heart rate

Always keep the tab open in TechTimes for the latest information on COVID-19 vaccines and other drugs.

Related article: Seven Russians die from coronavirus hand sanitizer poison after alcohol shortage at party

This article is owned by TechTimes.

Written by: Giuliano Deleon..

Ⓒ 2018 All rights reserved. Please do not duplicate without permission.


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