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New Brunswick reports 6 new cases of COVID-19


New Brunswick state officials announced six new cases of COVID-19 in the state on Sunday.

With the new cases, the total number of active infections in the state will be 77. One is hospitalized for the virus.

The announcement follows a significant rise in the Moncton and St. John regions, including the state’s daily highs on Saturday when 23 cases were reported.

The Moncton and St. John regions returned to tighter restrictions last week under the Orange Phase.

New cases include 5 cases in the St. John area (Zone 2) and 1 case in the Fredericton area (Zone 3).

Dr. Jennifer Russell, State Chief Health Officer, urged New Brands Wickers to promise to delay the spread of COVID-19.

“Everyone in every corner of the state needs to have as little close contact as possible and follow public health measures,” she said in a statement.

Dr. Jennifer Russell, Chief Health Officer, urged the New Brands Wickers to reduce their close contact. (New Brunswick Government)

New cases in the St. John area are three under the age of 19 and two between the ages of 20-29. There are 32 active cases in this area.

In the Fredericton area, there are 30-39 new cases.

Prime Minister Blaine Higgs warned on Saturday that the entire state could be rolled back to orange-level limits if the current increase in cases continues.

Cases have also been confirmed in two schools in the area, one with confirmed exposure.

The University of New Brunswick’s St. John campus said members of the community may have been exposed to a confirmed incident.

No new cases in St. John’s nursing home

There are no new cases of COVID-19 at Tucker Hall, Saint John’s nursing home.

Public health declared an outbreak on Friday after employees tested positive. The facility has four positive cases, including three residents.

The St. John area is currently in the orange stage. (CBC)

Employees and residents were tested on Friday, according to a Shannex statement, but not all test results are returned.

According to the company, the families of residents who tested positive were contacted. We will receive updated test results on Sunday afternoon and will provide further updates.

Potential public release

Many companies in the St. John area report potential exposures and positive cases such as restaurants, bars, gyms and dinner theaters.

Public health will only share information if authorities are unable to contact all persons who may have been exposed.

Contact tracing has identified four new locations that may be open to the public in the St. John region, all on November 14.

  • 83 bar arcade from midnight to 2am (43 Princess Street, St. John).

  • O’Leary’s Pub, midnight to 2am (46 Princess St., Saint John).

  • Callie’s Pub, midnight to 2am (2 Princess Street, St. John).

  • Play Hummus between 2am and 3am (44 Water St., Saint John).

Persons in these locations during the times listed should be self-monitored for 14 days. If symptoms occur, they should be self-quarantined and tested for COVID-19.

Reduction of hospital services

Hospitals and clinics in the Orange Zone have implemented visitor restrictions and some have reduced their services.

The Horizon Health Network said some services could be suspended at St. John Regional Hospital and St. Joseph Hospital.

Visitor restrictions are enforced at St. John Regional, St. Joseph, Sussex Health Center, Charlotte County Hospital, and Grand Manan Hospital.

Visitor restrictions are set at St. John Regional Hospital. (Wikipedia)

Some exceptions are allowed in Critical Care, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Newborn, Palliative Care, and New Brunswick Heart Center.

Vitalité Health Network is also Dr. Announced suspension of all visits to Orange Zone Hospital, including Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Center and Stella-Maris-de-Kent Hospital.

Patients in obstetrics, pediatrics, and intensive care units have the exception of allowing one visitor per patient. Two visitors are allowed for palliative care patients.

Strict enforcement in orange level areas

Residents of New Brunswick are advised to avoid all non-essential trips to and from the Orange Zone.

Police officers, police, and public health inspectors are in Zones 1 and 2 to monitor compliance with stricter rules.

Residents of the St. John and Moncton areas now need to maintain a household bubble. This can be extended to caregivers or close relatives who live alone and need help.

There are also strict restrictions on meetings.

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