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Covid 19 Coronavirus: 4 people infected on the same NZ flight despite a negative test


new Zealand

WHO warned that more COVID-19 cases have been reported in the last four weeks than in the first six months of the pandemic, especially in Europe and North America. Video / AP

A new study details how one traveler infected the other four on a flight from Dubai to New Zealand, despite a negative test before boarding.

A government-sponsored study of New Zealand’s flight raises questions about the safety of overseas travel during a pandemic, even if pre-flight test precautions are in place.

The infection occurred on a flight from Dubai to New Zealand in September.

A total of 7 cases during the flight were identified in controlled quarantine, and scientists believe that 4 of those cases picked up the virus during the 18-hour flight.

There were 86 passengers on board.

These seven passengers came from five different countries before traveling by plane from Dubai, but genomic testing showed that they had a genomic sequence from Switzerland, the country of origin of the original case, so 4 It was suggested that two infections occurred on board.

The source case was negative on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test 48 hours before flight.

David Friedman, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Alabama, told The Washington Post that the incident highlights the difficulty of keeping flights virus-free.

“The incident illustrates how difficult it is to keep infected people away from flight, even if they perform PCR tests in a narrow pre-flight time frame,” Friedman said.

“The original case was most likely infectious after undergoing a pre-flight examination, but was actually asymptomatic until 71 hours after the flight.”

The report also states that “an infection event occurred despite reported use of masks and gloves in flight.”

The findings contradict the Pentagon’s investigation that infectious people need to sit next to passengers for at least 54 hours, declaring that the risk of transmitting the virus by plane is “low.”

“These seven cases were found to have been seated within four rows of each other during an approximately 18-hour flight,” said a NZ study.

“Recent studies have shown conflicting findings about the risks associated with in-flight infections, so we conducted a comprehensive study to identify potential sources of infection.”

Justin Tyanbirds, Secretary-General of the New Zealand Airline Representatives Committee, told Herald that if people take safety precautions and use masks, the risk of getting a virus during flight remains very low. Told.

Tighe-Umbers said that of the more than 62,000 passengers who had been quarantined by October 20, only 215 tested positive for Covid-19.

“Overview, this is 0.34 percent of the total number of people arriving on many international flights.”

He argued that “the current comprehensive 14-day MIQ system can be intelligently modified” when risk assessments are conducted in the traveler’s country of origin.

The results of the survey can cause problems as US travelers crowd the airport to escape for the country’s annual Thanksgiving holidays.

Dr. Anthony Fauci told CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday that “airport people” were “involved in more problems than we are now,” despite federal guidance to avoid travel. Will be. “

He said the new Covid-19 case from Thanksgiving wouldn’t be revealed until a few weeks later, making it “extremely difficult” as the virus goes out of control and heads for cold weather and the December holiday season. I did.

-Additional reports, AP


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