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Restaurants with restricted takeout only in Los Angeles County due to the surge in coronavirus incidents


Due to the increasing number of cases of coronavirus in Los Angeles County, public health officials have restricted restaurants to takeaway only and temporarily stopped eating outdoors from Wednesday.

As new COVID-19 cases remain at alarming levels and the number of hospitalized people continues to grow, the Los Angeles County Health Officer Order issued a five-day average of new cases in restaurants, breweries, wineries, It will be changed to restrict meals at the bar. According to the Los Angeles County Public Health Service, the number has increased to more than 4,000.

According to the department, the modified order is set to take effect on Wednesday, November 25th, at 10 pm.

Restaurants, breweries, wineries and bars can only offer takeaway, drive-through and delivery services to reduce the potential for congestion and exposure in environments where people do not wear face coverings. Wineries and breweries can continue to retail according to current protocols. Face-to-face meals are not allowed for at least the next 3 weeks.

Last week, Los Angeles County took additional steps to limit direct meals at restaurants, breweries, wineries and bars when the average number of cases over a five-day period exceeded 4,000 or hospitalizations exceeded 1,750 per day. I have set a threshold value.

A Targeted Safer at Home Order will be issued for 3 weeks if the average number of cases over 5 days is 4,500 or more, or if hospitalizations exceed 2,000 per day. The order provides additional restrictions while allowing essential emergency workers and workers with essential services to leave the home.

Last week, Los Angeles County took additional steps to limit direct meals at restaurants, breweries, wineries and bars when the average number of cases over a five-day period exceeded 4,000 or hospitalizations exceeded 1,750 per day. I have set a threshold value.

According to public health, nine more deaths were reported on Sunday, bringing the cumulative death toll in LA County to 7,438.

As of Sunday, more than 3,542,000 coronavirus tests have been performed, with about 10 percent of those tests returning positive.

As of Sunday, 1,401 people are currently hospitalized with COVID-19, 26 percent of whom are in the ICU.

On Sunday, 55 new cases were reported in Santa Clarita Valley, and a total of 8,744 cumulative cases of COVID-19 have been reported since the test began in March. These include:

  • 5,648 * (+ 49) in Santa Clarita
  • 205 (+1) in the unincorporated area of ​​Canyon Country
  • 2,332 * (+1) in Castique
  • 46 in Saugus Unincorporated Area
  • Stevenson Ranch 268 (+2)
  • 59 in the Unincorporated Area of ​​Valencia
  • 117 (+2) in the Unincorporated Area of ​​Valverde
  • 31 in the Unincorporated Area of ​​New Hall
  • 16 in the Unincorporated Area of ​​Bouquet Canyon
  • 12 in Saugus / Canyon Country Unincorporated Area
  • Seven unincorporated sand canyons
  • Three in the unincorporated San Francis Skeet Canyon / Boukay Canyon

In addition, 101 cumulative cases were identified in nearby Acton and 56 were identified in Aguadalcy.

* As of Friday, November 20, authorities have recorded a cumulative case of 1,900 people reported at Peter J. Pitches Detention Center, including 1,378 at the North County Correctional Facility. These cases are spread across both the city of Santa Clarita and the total of Castaic.

As of Friday, November 20, approximately 22.1% of all cumulative cases in and around Santa Clarita Valley were due to prisoners in the North County Correctional Facility and Pitches Detention Center, according to an analysis of available data. It may be.

As of Wednesday, November 18, Henry Mayo New Hall Hospital had conducted 11,502 COVID-19 tests. According to hospital spokesman Patrick Moody, 1,188 of them are positive and 10 tests by Henry Mayo are still pending.

According to Moody, there were 20 patients in the hospital as of Wednesday, November 18, but 348 patients have been discharged since the hospital’s first case was reported in March.

A total of 35 coronavirus deaths have been reported in hospitals, and at least 80 COVID-19 deaths have been reported throughout the Santa Clarita Valley.

See all coronavirus coverage. Coronavirus infection rate – COVID-19 map

Ed. Note: These numbers are subject to change based on further investigation by the Los Angeles County Public Health Service.

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