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Some parents prioritize Thanksgiving tradition over mitigating COVID-19 risk

Some parents prioritize Thanksgiving tradition over mitigating COVID-19 risk


Ann Arbor, Michigan-For some families, one of the most difficult steps to reduce the risk of COVID-19 was to keep their children away from their grandparents and other extended families.

And that may be especially true during the holiday season. New coronavirus cases are accelerating rapidly across the country, and public health officials are discouraging rallies to slow the spread of the deadly virus.

Still, some parents may prioritize continuing the Thanksgiving tradition with their children over reducing the risk of infection, a new national poll suggests.

According to the CS Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Child Health in Michigan Medicine, the benefits of having one in three parents with their families on vacation are worth the risk of spreading or transmitting the virus. I will.

However, parents are weighing competing priorities. More than half show that it is very important for children to see the extended family and share the family holiday tradition, but three-quarters can also prevent the spread of COVID-19 at family gatherings I think it’s important.

“As the number of COVID-19 cases soars, many families struggle to continue and how to continue the holiday tradition, balancing risk and benefit,” MPH said. Says Sarah Clarke, co-director of Mottpole.

According to Clark, half of parents say that COVID-19 significantly reduces the time children spend with extended families, and some may be fed up with these separations.

“For many parents, holidays mean sharing special rituals across generations and sharing opportunities for children to connect with their grandparents, cousins, and other relatives,” says Clark.

“Our report is that many children spend less time with their relatives during the pandemic, but some parents struggle to precede holiday gatherings to reduce the risk of COVID-19. I will. “

However, in some areas it is especially dangerous to reunite with older people who are at highest risk of serious illness, as children return to face-to-face schools and other activities.

“Families may need to consider alternative, safer ways to celebrate and preserve traditions to keep their loved ones safe,” says Clark.

The nationally representative report is based on responses from 1,443 parents who have at least one child under the age of 12.

Shorten the guest list to reduce the risk of infection

Of the parents whose children usually see an extended family at Thanksgiving, 61% are still planning to meet in person for their next vacation. However, while 40% say that rallies usually include people traveling that far, only 18% plan to involve people traveling from outside the state this season.

According to the report, many parents planning to proceed with a direct celebration use different strategies to keep their children and guests safe.

Eighty-eight percent of parents say they ask their families not to attend Thanksgiving meetings if they have symptoms or exposure to COVID-19. On the other hand, two-thirds do not invite certain families who do not have safety measures such as wearing masks.

Parents should ask about adults and children when assessing extended family safety precautions. Given the differences between regional and state regulations, parents should ask if their cousin or other school-age family member participates in direct classes or activities. If so, there should be a specific question about how well COVID-19 precautions are consistently followed.

According to Clark, precautionary measures such as wearing masks are unevenly accepted, and parents should expect some of these conversations to be offensive.

“An important strategy for minimizing the risk of COVID-19 infection is to limit the number of households that gather and carefully choose who to include in Thanksgiving celebrations. Parents also take safety precautions. You have to be careful, “says Clark.

Maintaining distance at rallies

Many parents also plan to take additional steps to protect the elderly. Nine out of ten parents say that Thanksgiving gatherings usually include grandparents, and three-quarters of parents have children and high-risk guests, including the elderly and those with medical conditions. Attempts to limit contact.

Two-thirds of parents also plan to ask guests to stay as socially distant as possible.

However, experts warn that these rules can be difficult to apply.

“Maintaining the distance between a child and a high-risk adult can be difficult during a few days of visits, or even during a long supper,” says Clark.

“Parents are realistic about how feasible it is to limit contact and need to think carefully about whether to meet in person with a high-risk family member.”

For families who choose to meet extended families or other guests, parents should discuss with their child in advance how to celebrate safely, such as masks and reminders about social distance. They may also want to talk about proper “voice etiquette” by limiting singing and screaming. These actions make it easier to spread the virus.

She also recommends that children engage in as many outdoor activities as possible during the day, she says.

Parents need to consider alternative traditions

Alternatively, the family may consider creative ways to maintain the family tradition without meeting in person.

“The key to parents is to focus on the elements of celebration that represent family traditions or that seem to be most important to their children,” says Clark.

Ideas include:

Talk to your kids about your favorite Thanksgiving food, decorations, and activities, and use their inputs to plan virtual celebrations that include families in different locations.

When children mention certain memorable holiday decorations displayed by their grandparents, parents can encourage them to create their own version at home.

If the child prefers a family pumpkin pie, parents can help the child make it at home. Perhaps you can teach your child through the process by making video calls with your grandparents and other family members.

Prior to Thanksgiving dinner, extended families arrange group calls and virtual gatherings at specific times to share stories and bless families.

“Everyone knows that large rallies carry great risks of spreading COVID-19, but small, casual get-togethers that people find most” safe “also contribute to the infection. It’s part of the thing, “says Clark.

“With the increasing number of cases of COVID-19 in all states, it is imperative that the entire family play their part in preventing further epidemics. It is celebrating this holiday in a slightly different way. May mean. ”

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