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COVID in Delaware Today: New Coronavirus Limits Effective in Delaware Monday Morning

COVID in Delaware Today: New Coronavirus Limits Effective in Delaware Monday Morning
COVID in Delaware Today: New Coronavirus Limits Effective in Delaware Monday Morning


Newark, Delaware (WPVI)-Governor of Delaware John Carney has announced a third revision of the state’s COVID-19 emergency order, which will come into effect on Monday at 8 am.

Under the new order, indoor meetings at home should be limited to 10 people.

“These are difficult decisions, but we are facing a difficult and difficult winter,” said Governor Kearney. “COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are increasing in Delaware and across the country. More than 250,000 Americans have already died from the virus. We have saved lives and the COVID-19 epidemic has spread. Focusing on targeting the limits seen. Let’s do it together. Wear a mask. Avoid gatherings with people outside the house. This year in a slightly different way Consider celebrating a holiday. Be vigilant. Overcome this. “

Indoor dining at the restaurant is limited to 30% or 50 people at the venue.

Indoor religious gatherings are limited to 30% of capacity or up to 100 people.

You will also need to wear a face cover at the gymnasium.

Other Delaware COVID-19 Headings

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With the nationwide surge in cases of coronavirus in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released new mask guidance.The· According to the latest update, wearing a face cover not only protects the people around you, but also protects the wearer. From an incoming virus projectile.

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CDC posted its most specific guidance Still, on Thanksgiving Monday, the safest option for the holiday is to take special precautions, such as celebrating with the family alone or keeping a distance when celebrating with others wearing a mask.
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Which mask best protects the people around you?
What to do if you suspect you have COVID-19 symptoms
Coronavirus test near me

Copyright © 2020 WPVI-TV. all rights reserved.


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