Risk of COVID-19 and indoor infection

Control COVID-19 as the world awaits safe and effective vaccines Pandemic It depends on extensive compliance with public health guidelines.Therefore, scientists, including scientists from India, who studied infectious aerodynamics to fight the new coronavirus. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Illness has a common step in controlling infection during indoor activity. According to this study at the University of Colorado at Boulder in the United States, the cold climate makes people spend more time indoors, making it more difficult than ever to stop the transmission of the disease.
Normal precautions to reduce infection
Presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society’s Fluid Mechanics Division, this study is a strategy for reducing risk based on a rigorous understanding of how infectious particles mix with air in closed spaces. Suggests. Early studies of the pandemic focused on the role played by the large, rapidly falling droplets produced by coughing and sneezing. Here are some of the safety precautions advised –
- wearing mask
- Stay 6 feet away
- Avoid large gatherings
Experts identify new transmission routes
But a documented Superspreader event hinted at the air Infection; infection The release of small particles from daily activities can also be a dangerous transmission route. For example, 53 out of 61 Washington singers became infected after a 2.5-hour choral rehearsal in March. Of the 67 passengers who spent two hours on the bus with individuals infected with COVID-19 in Zhejiang, China, 24 were subsequently positive. Researchers have found that when people speak and sing loudly, they produce dramatically more micron-sized particles than when using normal voice. They found that the particles produced during the screams were significantly higher than the numbers produced during the cough.In guinea pigs, they observed influenza It can spread through contaminated dust particles. If the same applies to SARS-CoV-2, researchers said that objects that release contaminated dust-like tissue can pose a risk.
Risk of infection in confined space
The study focused on how the virus could spread during music performances. They discussed the results of experiments designed to measure aerosol emissions from instrumentalists. Traveling between office buildings by car also poses a risk of infection, according to researchers. They ran numerical simulations of how air traveled through the cabin of a passenger car and identified strategies that could reduce the risk of infection. If the air enters and exits the room far away from the passengers, it may reduce the risk of transmission. In passenger cars, they said it meant strategically opening some windows and closing others.
Social distance may provide little protection
Researchers said that staying 6 feet apart “provides little protection from aerosol droplets containing pathogens small enough to be continuously mixed in indoor space.” A better, hydrodynamic understanding of how infected particles move through the room may ultimately lead to smarter strategies for reducing infection.
Proposed new safety guidelines
MIT mathematicians Martin Basant and John Bush have proposed new safety guidelines built on existing models of airborne infections to identify maximum levels of exposure in a variety of indoor environments. Their guidelines rely on a metric called “cumulative exposure time.” This is determined by multiplying the number of people in the room by the exposure time. The maximum depends on the size and ventilation of the room, the covering of the resident’s face, the infectivity of the aerosolized particles, and other factors. To facilitate the implementation of the guidelines, researchers worked with chemist Kasim Khan to design apps and online spreadsheets that can be used to measure the risk of infection in different settings.
(There is input from the institution)
Release date: November 24, 2020, 11:55 am
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