The proliferation of cases causes a backlog of data.Public Health Authorities Ask Alaska for Help | Coronavirus
The Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) of Alaska warns that the surge in COVID-19 cases is straining public health response and creating untreated portion in case and contact surveys. DHSS requires that anyone who receives a positive test result notify their close contact as soon as possible so that the individual can be quarantined without delay.
Nationally, the state faces challenges in contact tracing and efforts to reduce the spread of disease. Discussions are underway to consider the most effective strategies for tracking and mitigating pandemics. Contact tracing remains a top priority for DHSS, but due to the high number of cases, public health authorities are seeking community support.
“We are still committed to doing everything we can to fight this pandemic,” said DHSS Commissioner Adam Clam. “This includes contact tracing, providing affordable and accessible testing, securing and shipping supplies to the community, supporting healthcare partners, and strengthening mental health support. We are in this pandemic time when we really need everyone’s help. We are urging Alaska to take action to reduce risk and protect ourselves, their loved ones, and our community. “
Individuals who test positive can find information on the DHSS COVID-19 web page to help them effectively quarantine. For Alaskans who need food, housing, or other non-medical assistance to effectively quarantine or quarantine, Alaska 2-1-1 (dial 211 or 800-478-2221), local public health center, Or you can contact the Emergency Operations Center. They are connected to institutions and resources within the community they can support.
“We recognize that what we are looking for can be very difficult,” said Dr. Ann Zink, Alaska’s Chief Medical Officer. “Remember that anyone can get a COVID. There should be no stigma associated with this highly infectious disease. If identified as a close contact, quarantine immediately. Quarantine for 14 days, and if you need help, ask for help. “
“The recent surge in cases has forced state contact tracers to triage cases to ensure they reach those at highest risk of severe symptoms and those most likely to spread the disease. “State epidemiologist Dr. Joe McLaughlin said. “Additional personnel does not allow multiple systems to keep up with reporting, data entry, and outreach to all infected individuals. In the case of newly reported cases, the contact tracer reports the case. We will make the first contact on the day of the call and try to provide a monitoring call to some of the most risky individuals, however, due to process delays and some calls that cannot be initiated on the first day We encourage you to call your close contacts. “
Public health contact tracers should call who first, based on factors recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, such as how long ago they were tested if they lived or worked in a location at high risk of infection. Priority is given to whether there is. If you are at high risk of severe illness (for example, a nursing home), or based on age or other factors.
Some individuals may not be contacted. To fill this gap, healthcare providers and laboratories are required to educate patients about what to do while waiting for test results and whether the test results are positive.
What Alaskans can do to stop the spread of COVID-19
Take a test if you have any symptoms, even if they are mild. Lower the test threshold.
Stay home and monitor your health for fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste, smell, and other symptoms while waiting for test results. Stay away from other people in your family as much as possible. Many people do not experience any symptoms, but they can still spread the infection to others. Make a list of recent close contacts so you can be notified immediately if your test is positive.
If the COVID-19 test is positive:
Will separate soon. Stay home except for medical care and minimize contact with your entire family. For specific instructions on what to do, see the “What to do after testing” handout.
Notify close contacts. Immediately notify and quarantine anyone who spends more than 15 minutes (cumulative) within 6 feet over 24 hours. We provide this handout on what to do during quarantine.
Ask for care as needed. If you have an urgent warning sign, or if you think it is urgent, contact your doctor for care.
Answer the phone: If you receive a call from the contact tracer, answer the call and return the message. There is no caller ID because many different entities support contact tracing. They always tell you who they are, who they work for, and what they are calling for COVID-19. They never require money, your bank, credit card, social security number or immigration status. If you speak a language other than English, an interpreter and interviewer who speaks your language are available.
For close contacts, quarantine immediately for 14 days. Take the test around the 7th day of quarantine, even if you are asymptomatic. If the test is negative, leave it in quarantine. If the test is positive, quarantine for 10 days and notify close contacts.
Practice prevention and mitigate risk. According to 3 Ws (wear masks, wash hands frequently, monitor space at least 6 feet away from non-household members), 3 Cs (closed space, crowded areas, and close contact) Avoid.
If you need mental health support: Careline Alaska: 877-266-4357, Free Confidential Help for those who need to speak. National Disaster Distress Helpline: 800-985-5990. Emergency crisis counseling for people affected by COVID-19. Alaska Responder Relief Line: 844-985-8275. Support for healthcare professionals and their families at the forefront of COVID-19.
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