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Everything you need to know about how safe it is to visit your family this Christmas

Everything you need to know about how safe it is to visit your family this Christmas


Many families are thinking differently in their decoration plans, current purchases, and installations. Should we hold a family Christmas this year?

Downing Street will suspend strict restrictions for five days and announce whether up to three households can meet during Christmas.

But as families are torn apart about the risks of older relatives, scientists are also divided on whether relaxing the celebration of the Covid rules is a good idea.

Here, Dr. Mike Tildesley, an infection modeling expert at the University of Warwick, and Azime Majid, a professor of primary care and public health at Imperial College London, share their views.

Do I need to relax Covid’s restrictions for the five days of Christmas?

Dr. Tildesley supports the suspension of celebration restrictions.

Cyclists and walkers go out for work while enjoying the warm autumn sunshine at Richmond Park
(Image: Alex Lentati / LNP)

“We need to think about people’s well-being and mental health and allow families to be together for Christmas,” he says.

“But to do that, we need to set strict rules before and after Christmas so that we can mitigate it.

“Most importantly, if three or four households are allowed to come together, those households must be exclusive. Go to meet your peers in the pub and then go home. , I can’t meet grandma and all these families. “

But Professor Majid says the gradual restrictions that replace the blockade should not be lifted.

“In my view, limits should be maintained during Christmas and New Year, based on community infection rates. Relaxing limits too soon risks canceling all benefits gained during the blockade. there is.

Many Shield children take lessons at home in a closed state (file photo)
(Image: Getty Images)

Does allowing a mix of households actually mean that people die as a result?

Dr. Tildesley believes it is a risk that can be mitigated.

“Increased mixing leads to more cases and ultimately hospitalization and death. However, tighter restrictions for Christmas keep the risk of that extra mixing as low as possible. I hope I can do it. “

Professor Majeed believes that allowing a mix of households “will inevitably lead to an increase in infectious diseases, which are vulnerable people at the highest risk of serious illness and death if infected with Covid-19. Very serious for.

“Most people-to-human transmissions of Covid-19 infection occur at home.”

ICU doctor treating covid patients
(Image: Andrew Teebay / Liverpool Echo)

Why not lock down in January to make up for Christmas relaxation?

Dr. Tildesley believes it is more important to impose strict restrictions before Christmas.

He states: “We want to minimize the risk of infection to older relatives, so we want to keep the incidence on December 22 as low as possible.

“I think we need to strengthen the mix between households in the three weeks before Christmas, which means stricter rules everywhere than in previous Tier 1.”

Professor Majeed is skeptical of lifting the restrictions. “Controlling Covid-19 requires sustainable measures, not“ stop-start ”measures. “

It ’s far from normal Christmas.
(Image: Phil Taylor / SWNS)

If strict rules are followed during Christmas, what is the risk that many will ignore them and the infection may increase further?

Dr. Tildesley says that’s why we should relax the restrictions.

“If there are very strict restrictions, people may not obey them. However, if you relax the rules to some extent and display a very clear message, you will get a relatively high level of compliance. I will.

“Hopefully, most people are willing to accept the idea that they can be mixed with 3-4 households in a family group to minimize all other contacts, and risk. You can keep it as low as possible. “

Professor Majid believes that while the majority are wise, “some people are at risk of not following the rules.”

He adds: “With positive news about vaccine development, we may be able to live normally from around Easter. It’s important to stay disciplined and follow the rules for the next few months.”

Covid-19 test on Salford’s site for NHS staff and patients
(Image: Daily Mirror / Andy Stenning)

Should the church be allowed to open for Christmas worship?

Yes, as long as they are Covid and safe, Dr. Tildesley says.

“Risks are always increasing, but Christmas shopping is also a risk. The question is how much increase you are ready to accept and what you do to minimize the risk,” he says. ..

Professor Majid believes that churches in high-incidence areas should remain closed.

“Indoor mixing poses a risk, and activities such as singing in an indoor space have been shown to increase the risk of infection.

“It may be possible to open churches in some parts of England where local infection rates are low and appropriate infection control measures are in place.”

Anyway, do older people get vaccinated before Christmas?

Dr. Tildesley points out: “We are still a little farther away and it has not been confirmed if older people will be vaccinated before Christmas.

“But even so, it requires two doses every two to three weeks, and it takes weeks from the second dose to high levels of immunity, even if started in December. , That’s enough for us in January before people have immunity. “

Professor Majid says imminent vaccines should not be used as an excuse to be vigilant at Christmas.

He states: “There is not enough vaccine dose to have a significant impact on the 2020 pandemic. It only works when most people are vaccinated, which can take months. To achieve. “

Family naturally wants to spend a big Christmas
(Image: Getty Images)

Should we, if they allow us to spend a big family Christmas?

Dr. Tildesley says we should “work together and do what we can to prevent loneliness.”

But he adds: “People need to be aware of the risks and take wise precautions. Just because the rules may say that three or four households can meet, it must be a mix of household numbers. It does not mean. “

Professor Majid said: “Beware of large-scale indoor Christmas events, especially if you have older relatives or relatives with serious medical problems.”

I want the whole family together for Christmas. Will my risk be reduced if I self-quarantine two weeks ago and drop my child out of school early?

“If possible, it’s wise to quarantine for a few weeks before Christmas,” says Dr. Tildesley.

“I never recommend taking children out of school unless you have to, but especially if you have vulnerable relatives, you should do what they can to minimize the risk. . “

Professor Majid said: “Actions to mitigate indoor risk include avoiding overcrowding to maintain physical distance and good ventilation due to the much higher risk of infection in poorly ventilated areas. This includes practicing proper hygiene, such as regular hand washing. “

Should we still get together for Christmas if households have to travel from different parts of the UK to meet?

Yes, if that means someone won’t be lonely at Christmas, Dr. Tildesley says.

“Once again, do what you can to minimize the risk. If you go by private car instead of public transport, you should be pretty safe.”

Professor Majid said: “If you can do it for Christmas, it’s better to stay home.” Once the vaccination program is implemented, it will allow us to return to a more normal society and bring a much better Christmas experience for everyone in 2021 next year. “


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