Type 2 diabetes: Pandemics lead to a hidden epidemic: More than half of young urban Indians can develop diabetes

According to scientists, including scientists at the Center for Chronic Disease Control (CCDC) in New Delhi, the country already has a significant health burden caused by diabetes, with more than 77 million adults currently in this condition. It is suffering, and by almost 2045 the number will double to 134 million.
As urban areas continue to grow rapidly throughout India, poor dietary quality and reduced levels of physical activity all contribute to this hidden epidemic.
In this study, researchers evaluated the incidence of age-, gender-, and BMI-specific diabetes in urban areas of India, based on data from the Center for Cardiac Metabolism Risk Reduction in South Asia (2010-2018). ..
They also analyzed age, gender, and city-specific mortality from life tables for the period reported by. Indian government (2014), and the prevalence of diabetes reported by the Indian Medical Research Council Indian DIABetes Study (2008-2015).
Based on the analysis, scientists said that today, 20-year-old men and women without diabetes have a lifetime risk of developing diabetes at 56% and 65%, respectively.
Studies have shown that women generally had a higher lifetime risk throughout their lifespan.
According to researchers, about 38% of women and 28% of men who are now 60 years old and currently free of diabetes develop diabetes.
They warned that obesity had a major impact on these predictions, with the highest lifetime risk in the obese metropolis Indiani, 86% for women aged 20 and 87% for men.
It was estimated that people with low BMI had a much longer life expectancy without diabetes, and obese 20-year-olds did not have diabetes for about half of their remaining life expectancy.
However, people with normal or underweight BMI were predicted to survive most of the rest of the year without diabetes, scientists said.
“The significant lifetime risk of developing diabetes in large Indian cities and the short life expectancy without diabetes may make interventions for diabetes incidence the most important in the future, especially for individuals with high BMI. It means that there is, “the researchers say. the study.

Women generally had a higher lifetime risk throughout their lives.
They say that Indians and BMI in big cities of all ages are surprisingly likely to develop diabetes compared to the results in high-income countries, and that active efforts to prevent diabetes in cities are urgent. Said it was necessary.
This is especially necessary given the rapid increase in “urban obesity-induced environments” across the country, according to scientists.
In addition to these risk factors, scientists say that Indians already have a relatively high predisposition to develop the condition at both a young age and a low BMI when compared to the white European population. It was.
“This high probability of developing diabetes is such a high probability of developing diabetes to India’s already tense health care system and patient treatment of diabetes, unless we immediately recognize what diabetes is,” said study co-author Shammi Luhar. It will have a serious negative impact on out-of-pocket spending. “From Cambridge University In England.
“Despite these very high predicted lifetime risks of diabetes, effective lifestyle changes such as following a healthy diet by increasing physical activity and losing weight in obese or overweight people It is possible to prevent or postpone diabetes by, “viswanathan added, another co-author of a study from Mohan. Madras Diabetes Research Foundation In Chennai.
Scientists believe that the need for time is policy and investment with clearly defined goals and commitments to achieve by 2030.
“Perhaps the ambitious goal of 90-90-90 (90% of people with diabetes detected, 90% of people treated, 90% of people managed) is urgently needed. .. Nikhil Tandon, author of the Department of Endocrine Metabolism, Institute of Medical Sciences, All IndiaAIIMS) In New Delhi.
“Such targets could function in the same way as the 90-90-90 targets introduced to HIV a few years ago, and have since been replaced by more ambitious 95-95-95 targets. “Tandon added.
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