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Hormones that suppress food intake can be used as a potential treatment for obesity

Hormones that suppress food intake can be used as a potential treatment for obesity


Hormones that can reduce food intake and increase satiety in mice have shown similar results in humans and non-human primates, a new study published today said. eLife..

A hormone called lipocalin-2 (LCN2) can be used as a potential treatment for obese people who have lost the natural signal of satiety.

LCN2 is produced primarily by bone cells and is naturally found in mice and humans. Studies in mice have shown that long-term feeding of LCN2 to animals reduces food intake and prevents weight gain without slowing metabolism.

“LCN2 acts as a signal of postprandial satiety, limiting food intake in mice, which is done by acting on the hypothalamus in the brain,” said a postdoctoral research scientist at Columbia University. Lead author Peristera-Ioana Petropoulo explains. At the time the study was conducted, the University Irving Medical Center in New York, USA, is now located at the Helmholtz Diabetes Center in Helmholtz Zentrum München, Munich, Germany. “I wanted to see if LCN2 had a similar effect on humans and if its dose could cross the blood-brain barrier.”

The team first analyzed data from four different studies of people in the United States and Europe who were either normal weight, overweight, or obese. People in each study were fed a meal after an overnight fast, and the amount of LCN2 in their blood before and after the meal was studied. Researchers have found that in people of normal weight, LCN2 levels increased after a meal. This was consistent with post-meal satisfaction.

In contrast, in overweight or obese people, LCN2 levels decreased after a meal. Based on this postprandial response, researchers grouped people as non-responders or responders. Non-responders who did not show an increase in LCN2 after eating tended to have larger hip circumference and higher markers of metabolic disorders such as BMI, body fat, elevated blood pressure, and elevated blood glucose levels. Surprisingly, however, people who later lost weight Gastric bypass surgery Sensitivity to LCN2-recovered found-change in preoperative non-responder-to-responder status.

Taken together, these results reflect those seen in mice, indicating that this loss of postprandial LCN2 regulation is a new mechanism contributing to obesity and may be a potential target for weight loss therapy. Suggests.

After confirming that LCN2 could invade the brain, the team investigated whether hormonal treatment could reduce food intake and prevent weight gain. To do this, they treated the monkeys with LCN2 for a week. Within a week, they had a 28% reduction in food intake compared to before treatment, and monkeys ate 21% less than monkeys treated with saline alone. In addition, after just one week of treatment, measurements of body weight, body fat, and blood fat levels showed a decreasing trend in the treated animals.

It has been shown that LCN2 passes through the brain and reaches the hypothalamus, suppressing food intake in non-human primates. Our results show that hormones can suppress appetite with minimal toxicity and lay the foundation for the next level of LCN2 testing for clinical use. “

Stavroula Kousteni, Senior Author, Professor of Physiology and Cell Biophysics, Columbia University Irving Medical Center


Journal reference:

Petropoulou, PI. , et al. (2020) Lipocalin-2 is an appetite-suppressing signal in primates. eLife.


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