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Inexpensive molecules show the potential to fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria that cause gonorrhea and meningitis

Inexpensive molecules show the potential to fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria that cause gonorrhea and meningitis


The team at Institut National de la recherche scientifique (INRS) has demonstrated the effectiveness of an inexpensive molecule to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria that cause gonorrhea and meningococcal meningitis. These two infections affect millions of people around the world. The results of this study, led by Professors Frédéric Veyrier and Annie Castonguay, have been published online. Antibiotics and chemotherapy journal.

Antibiotic resistance

In recent years, the rate of increase in antibiotic resistance has been a concern for the World Health Organization (WHO), which celebrated the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week from November 18 to 24, 2020. This concern is especially true in the case of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Some strains have developed resistance to all effective antibiotics. The bacterium is responsible for gonorrhea, which has nearly tripled its incidence in Canada over the last decade. Resistant meningococci that cause bacterial meningitis have also emerged. In the current pandemic situation, scientists are particularly concerned about increased antibiotic resistance due to increased use of antibiotics.

Unlike other bacteria, Neisseria, which causes meningitis and gonorrhea, evolves very rapidly due to certain unique properties. For example, they have a great ability to acquire genes from other bacteria. They also have a suboptimal DNA repair system that causes mutations. Therefore, antibiotic resistance can easily manifest. The fact that these diseases affect many people around the world also gives them many opportunities to evolve and why it is urgent to develop new ways to fight these bacteria. Explains.

Specific molecule

The research team has demonstrated Effectiveness of A simple molecule in bacterial culture and infection models. Well-known to chemists, this molecule is readily available, inexpensive, and has great potential to help fight these two pathogenic Neisserias. The advantage of this molecule is its specificity.

We have found that this molecule only affects pathogenic Neisseria. It does not affect other types of Neisseria found in the upper respiratory system and may be beneficial. “

Professor Frederick Belier, INRS

Professor Frédéric Veyrier, who is also the scientific manager of the platform for characterization of biological and synthetic nanovehicles.

During the experiment, the research team tested for possible resistance to the molecule. “We were able to isolate strains that were less sensitive to treatment, but this resistance was a double-edged sword because these mutants were completely lost. Pathogenicity,” says microbiologists.

So far, the team does not know exactly why the molecule reacts specifically with the two types of Neisseria, but suspects a link between these pathogens to the membrane. This specificity opens the door to more basic research to determine what makes one bacterium more toxic than another.

The next step is to change the structure of the molecule to make it more efficient while maintaining its specificity. At the same time, the team wants to identify industrial partners to assess their potential to develop potential therapies.


Journal reference:

Burnett, E. , et al. (2020) Sodium tetraphenylborate exhibits selective bactericidal activity against Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria gonorrhoeae and is effective in reducing the burden of bacterial infection. Antibiotics and chemotherapy.


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