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COVID-19 update: Genesee County reports new coronavirus-related deaths in 64 new cases | Top Story

COVID-19 update: Genesee County reports new coronavirus-related deaths in 64 new cases | Top Story
COVID-19 update: Genesee County reports new coronavirus-related deaths in 64 new cases | Top Story


Batavia — COVID-19-related deaths were reported in Genesee County on Tuesday.

The recent death of an individual under the age of 65 has come as Genesee County has seen an astonishing number of 64 new cases since Monday.

As of Tuesday, the 7-day moving average for Genesee County was 5.3%. According to the state’s COVID-19 dashboard, the number was highest in the Finger Lakes region and fifth in the state as a whole.

Only the Cattaraugus, Erie, Lewis and Putnam counties reported higher averages.

By comparison, the 7-day moving average for Orleans County was 3.9%. Wyoming County was 3.6 percent and Livingston County was 1.5 percent.

The average for Monroe County was 3.5 percent.

Due to this increase, county officials are concerned. Genesee County manager Matt Landers said the rise was “very alarming and discouraging” at a parliamentary meeting on Monday.

“Over the last eight months, it’s probably going to double. That’s completely avoidable. All we have to do is wear that mask. We now We are on an unsustainable path, “Landers said. “I definitely wanted to touch the base and let everyone know that we’re not on the right path as a community and we’re on the path of color designation,” he said.

Positive rates are one of the indicators used by the state to declare a geographic area as a yellow zone, as well as an orange or red zone, to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Such designations include a series of escalating restrictions, such as business closures, assembly restrictions, and may switch schools to online learning.

Check the data by county.

Genesee County reported 64 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, for a total of 793 cases.

New positive cases reported on Tuesday are residents of Alabama, Alexander, Batavia, Bergen, Bethany, Byron, Darien, Elba, Leroy, Oakfield, Pavilion, Pembroke and Stafford. Individuals are under the age of 20 and are in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s. Five were forced to quarantine before the test was positive.

Currently 13 people are hospitalized.

Recovery rates increased by 30 to 520, according to data from the Health sector at Genesee and Orleans County.

Genesee County also reported new deaths, bringing the total to a maximum of six. The individual was under the age of 65. No other information was released by the health department.

As of Tuesday, Genesee County data show 201 community activity cases under forced quarantine and 679 under forced community quarantine.

There are a total of 47,465 tests of the virus conducted in Genesee County. The results include a negative test with an infection rate of 46,672 out of the 1.67 percent tested.

Orleans County reported five new cases on Tuesday, bringing the total to 576, officials said.

New positive cases are in Barre, Carlton, Clarendon, Murray and Kendal. Cases include individuals under the age of 20, in their 20s, 40s, and 60s. One was forced to quarantine before the test was positive.

Two people are hospitalized.

The number of recoverers in Orleans County increased by 6 to 370.

As of Tuesday, there were 34 active community cases under forced quarantine and 214 under forced community quarantine. A total of 57 people have died.

To date, county residents have been tested a total of 25,505 tests, of which 24,929 were negative, with an infection rate of 2.26 percent of the tests tested.

According to the Wyoming County Health Department, Wyoming County reported 12 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, bringing the total to 383 cases since the pandemic began.

The two cases are from the northwestern quadrant, which includes Attica, Bennington, Orangeville and Sheldon. Six are from the southwestern quadrant, including Arcade, Eagle, Java and Wethersfield. One is from the southeastern quadrant, including Castile, Gainesville, Genecy Falls, and Pike. The three are from the northeastern quadrant, including Covington, Middlebury, Perry and Warsaw. Cases include 2 in their 20s, 1 in their 30s, 1 in their 40s, 3 in their 50s, 3 in their 60s, and 3 in their 70s. There were 37 new cases at a state correctional facility in Wyoming County.

As of Tuesday, the county had 53 active cases in quarantine, 194 in forced quarantine, and 46 in preventive quarantine after an out-of-state trip.

Nine new recoveries were reported, bringing the county to a total of 325 people. A total of 5 people died in the county.

Wyoming County officials also said there were 81 confirmed cases at Wyoming County’s state correctional facilities. Positive cases are controlled by the State Correctional Authority and the Regional Supervisory Authority and are not included in the total county case count.

A total of 30,377 tests were performed with 29,994 negative results. The infection rate of those tested is 1.26%.

The Livingston County Public Health Service reported four new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, bringing the total to 653 confirmed cases since the pandemic began.

The county also reported nine recovery, for a total of 575.

According to the county’s COVID-19 follow-up map, the number of active cases is 68.

Active cases include 14 cases in Lima. Nine each in Caledonia (two down), Dunsville (one up), and Morris Mountain (one down). Eight at Avon (one below). 5 each for Geneseo and Livonia. Two each at the Wayland address of Conesus (one up), Piffard (two down), and Livingston County zip code. Single case in Dalton, Nanda and Leicester. The Nunda case is new.

Livingston County conducted 50,677 inspections of COVID-19 among the county’s residents. According to the county’s COVID-19 tracking map, the results contain 50,024 negative results. The infection rate of those tested is 1.29 percent.

According to data from the university’s COVID-19 dashboard and state trackers, SUNY Geneseo reported seven active cases within the university community, with 52 students quarantined.

Includes report by Matt Surtel


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