What you need to know about COVID-19 in British Columbia on November 25th
- A new 941 case of COVID-19 was announced on Tuesday, killing an additional 10 people.
- There are 7,732 active cases out of 28,348 confirmed to date.
- 284 patients are hospitalized with COVID-19, 61 of whom are in the intensive care unit.
- Currently, 358 people are dying from the disease.
- Masks are a must for everyone in indoor public spaces and retail environments.
- Failure to comply could result in a $ 230 fine.
- Health officials have ordered dance studios, yoga studios, gymnastics centers, and other spaces that offer group indoor fitness to suspend activities.
- Ann Outbreaks at Burnaby Hospital have led to 55 deaths and 5 deaths.
- Social gatherings with non-family members are prohibited in British Columbia.
- Indoor and outdoor community and social events will be interrupted.
- British Columbia residents are advised to avoid unnecessary travel.
British Columbia broke the day’s record of a new incident on Tuesday. The state continued to urge everyone to suspend social interaction, saying that people without masks could be fined.
The Fraser Health region continued to drive a surge in new infections in 678 or 72% of new cases on Tuesday.
From 198 people last Tuesday to 284 people are currently hospitalized. Of that number, 61 are in the intensive care unit.
The death toll is currently 358, and there are 7,732 active cases infected with the disease in British Columbia. Public health monitors 10,283 people across the state who are self-isolated due to COVID-19 exposure.
Health officials are calling on British Columbia residents to comply with the latest state health orders and minimize social interaction as much as possible while the state fights this second wave of COVID-19. I will.
Social gatherings are still restricted to household members only.
On Tuesday, dance studios, yoga studios, gymnastics centers and other group indoor fitness activities were temporarily suspended and restrictions on group fitness classes were tightened.
The latest public health order is valid until at least December 7.
rear Outbreak at Burnaby HospitalFraser Health confirmed that 55 patients were COVID-19 positive and 5 died.
Health officials are also investigating 40 cases involving staff to determine if they are associated with an outbreak.
The hospital does not accept new hospitalizations, except in the intensive care unit, obstetrics and community palliative care units.
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What’s happening elsewhere in Canada
Now there was more 342,000 cases of COVID-19 In Canada.
The vaccine is expected to be available next year, but Canada has not yet specified how to distribute the vaccine, except for the promise to work with states and territories to purchase refrigeration.
The federal government has procured 358 million doses of vaccine from seven companies. This is insurance if some of the vaccines under development are found to be ineffective in clinical trials.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
The common symptoms are:
- heat.
- cough.
- Tired.
- Dyspnea.
- Loss of taste and smell.
- headache.
However, more serious symptoms such as dyspnea and pneumonia can occur.
What should I do if I feel sick?
Use BC Center for Disease Control COVID-19 Self-assessment tool.. People with cold or flu symptoms are advised to have a test, even if it is mild. People with severe dyspnea, severe chest pain, difficulty waking up, or other extreme symptoms should call 911.
What can you do to protect yourself?
- Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. Keep them clean.
- Keep away from sick people.
- Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
- Wear a mask in indoor public spaces.
- be careful Evolving travel recommendations In various areas.
For more detailed information about the outbreak, Federal website..
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