There are no plans to close Boston restaurants unless the number of COVIDs increases – NECN
Mayor Marty Walsh said Wednesday that he had no plans to close Boston’s restaurants as long as the number of coronaviruses continued to decline.
“At this point, I don’t intend to close the restaurant in Boston. After a week, if I’m in another location, I might have another conversation, but at this point, I don’t plan to close the restaurant.” Said.
In Boston, the number of daily coronavirus cases is actually declining for the first time in five weeks, Walsh said.
As of Tuesday, 25,962 coronaviruses were confirmed in Boston, killing 903 people. Nearly 21,000 people have recovered from the virus.
“We are moving in the right direction,” Walsh said. “We need to keep an eye on that trend.”
He attributed the decline in the number of COVID-19 cases to several factors, including Governor Charlie Baker’s stay-at-home order and curfew.
“I think more people are paying attention to public health recommendations. People are listening to them,” said the mayor.
Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said the recent coronavirus surge appears to be primarily related to workplace incidents and the consequences of personal gatherings. Walsh warned that Thanksgiving could be another Superspreader if people didn’t listen to his advice.
Walsh does not move to Phase 3 of the state’s reopening plan, despite a positive trend that emphasized Wednesday and Boston’s release from the state’s highest risk designation for three weeks. Said.
“We need to continue and we will continue to take a cautious approach to consistently decreasing our numbers. We need to keep watching these numbers decrease,” he said. Told.
Marty Martinez, head of health and welfare services in the city, warns that “weekly data is not a trend,” and residents need to keep doing everything right, including wearing masks and increasing social distance. Said there is.
“Hopefully this is a trend in the right direction,” he said. “I think we need to keep reminding ourselves that there is a long way to go before passing COVID.”
The CDC urges everyone in the United States not to travel for Thanksgiving, a last-minute attempt to curb behavior that could lead to a surge in coronavirus cases.
Walsh admitted that many restaurants are still struggling on Wednesday, especially as the weather begins to cool and outdoor dining has become an unattractive option for customers.
Outdoor dining on the sidewalks and streets will end on December 1, but he said restaurants with outdoor space on private land will continue to be open. And he said his office is already working on a plan for spring outdoor dining, which he hopes to announce soon.
Walsh warned residents to spend their vacation in their current household alone. If they gather with an extended family and keep less than 10 people, wear masks indoors and keep a social distance.
“It would be a terrible tragedy to see the outbreaks caused by family gatherings sick people and potentially kill them,” he said.
The State Capitol News Agency contributed to this report.
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