Summit, Portage, Medina, Stark, and Richland counties added to watchlist
The Ohio Coronavirus Advisory Map, released Wednesday, turned three more counties purple and added 11 counties to the watch list, including Summit, Portage, Medina, Stark, and Richland. In other words, there is a risk of turning purple next week.
County cannot Turns purple (Level 4) For 2 weeks, until all 6 or 7 indicators of the color-coded 4-tier public health advisory system are met. The first week is red (level 3) and is on the watch list.
Last week, all red, or level 3, watchlisted counties of Montgomery, Lake, and Lorraine all turned purple on Wednesday.
The 11 counties that move to the watchlist mean they are at risk of turning purple next week. The counties of Adams, Clermont, Hamilton, Medina, Portage, Richland, Stark, Summit, Tumble, Warren, and Wood.
The county meets sufficient indicators to be considered purple due to its lasting impact on health care use. However, the state health department says the system needs to meet these criteria for two consecutive weeks to ensure a consistent trend in the data before it turns purple.
Ten of the 11 counties on the watchlist are located in the Akron and Cincinnati regions, with fewer adult ICU beds currently available. According to the Ohio Department of Health, this is primarily due to an increase in COVID-19ICU patients.
According to the Ohio Department of Health, the three counties that turned purple this week are due to a sustained increase in outpatient, emergency, and hospital visits by COVID-19 patients.
Franklin County, the first county to turn purple in Ohio last week, remained purple on Wednesday.
Purple indicates severe exposure and spread of the coronavirus, requiring residents to leave home for supplies and services.
“After a persistent increase in cases for more than a month and a week-long increase in health care use across the state, a significant number of counties meet the indicators of the most stringent advisory system,” the state health department said.
The updated colormap was not released as of 5 pm Wednesday, as the Ohio Department of Health said continued stress on the state’s health system was affecting the renewal of the public health advisory system. It was. The State Department of Health announced the changes in a news release Wednesday afternoon.
“The continued spread of the virus throughout Ohio, as reflected in today’s alert system updates, is extremely dangerous when we go on vacation,” said Governor Mike DeWine. I will. “This week, we asked hospital managers and front-line staff again about how they were overwhelmed. It is imperative that Ohio citizens take the virus and this current situation seriously.”
Ohio posted on Wednesday Record 156 deaths daily 10,835 new cases of coronavirus (second most pandemic total) as the November outbreak continued unabated.
New daily record death added to COVID-19 tolls in November as a pandemic Worst month Since the record month of May.
With 98 deaths on Tuesday (the second most common in the day) and 156 deaths on Wednesday, this month’s total was 973, nearly the 497 virus deaths reported in October. It has doubled.
Health officials also reported 417 new hospitalizations on Wednesday as the medical center was filled with 4,541 patients and nearly a quarter of the intensive care unit was located.
Hospitalization has more than doubled in the last three weeks.
The positive rate of the virus test increased to 14.2% on the latest reporting date (Monday), averaging 13.5% for 7 days. This is five times higher than in late September, the highest since late April.
Maps will be published on Wednesday due to Thursday’s Thanksgiving holiday, the day the weekly map is published. Due to Thanksgiving, Thursday’s daily figures will also be reported on Friday.
Last week there was no yellow, or level 1 county (the lowest level of the system). Fifteen counties were orange (level 2), primarily in southeastern Ohio, and some were scattered in northwestern Ohio. The other 72 counties, including almost all counties in northeastern Ohio, were red, the second highest level at level 3.
Residents of the Red County, a designation with very high exposure and spread, should limit activities that may be at risk of infection as much as possible.
The red (level 3) county is Ohio’s public health advisory system, which meets four to five indicators, from new cases to outpatients, ER visits, and COVID-19 admissions. Orange (level 2) counties meet two to three indicators. Yellow (level 1) counties meet 0 or 1 indicator.
All 88 counties in Ohio have high incidences, with more than 100 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last two weeks. This is where the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention distinguishes between moderately widespread and high-level widespread counties.
Last week’s highest rates were in the Mercer, Patnam, Lake, and Allen counties, all reporting more than 1,000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. This means that 1 in 100 people in these counties is infected with the virus.
It’s November Worst month Of a pandemic since the record month of May. The only month with more COVID-19 deaths than November (with an additional 5 days of death) was the early stages of the pandemic, with 1,180 people in May.
Most of the viral deaths previously reported on the 1st were 138 on April 29th. Daily numbers do not represent deaths in the last 24 hours, but when deaths are reported, they are often delayed by days, or even weeks, after the death occurs.
Deaths in November are increasing, despite health officials saying it is a better and more advanced viral treatment to save critically ill patients who may have died early in the pandemic.
Ohio COVID-19:Here’s how hospitals in the Akron region are responding to the COVID-19 surge:
Deaths come from a record number of daily viral cases, which regularly exceeded 7,000 and 8,000 earlier this month and reached nearly 11,000 on Wednesday.
Ohio reported a record 11,885 cases on Monday, but hundreds of these cases came from two healthcare systems with delayed reporting and a positive but unreliable confirmation backlog. It may be due to a 2-day backlog in the addition of the antigen test. Wednesday’s numbers are also considered incomplete, but may be supplemented by previously delayed data.
Dr. Amy Acton, former director of the Ohio Department of Health, said march The state has shown that it is possible to see 6,000 to 8,000 new cases per day at the peak of the COVID-19 surge.
79% of Ohio’s 6,274 viral deaths occur among those who are considered to be the most vulnerable, those over the age of 70, many of whom are in chronic health. At least 3,523, or 56%, of all deaths are due to residents of nursing homes and long-term care facilities.
Ohio reported 8,604 new cases of the virus on Tuesday. This is the third most common pandemic, and the total number of COVID-19 infections this year has doubled in the last five weeks.
Ohio COVID-19:Vaccine may be available around December 15th, the second highest death to date
Keeping in mind that Ohio and other states are “bright red” in the surge in incidents, Governor Mike DeWine cracks down on mask wear in retail stores, hoping to reduce the spread of the deadly virus. I have imposed a curfew on.
According to health experts, family and friend gatherings are driving the surge, and as the pandemic progresses, people also experience COVID malaise and are alert. Authorities emphasized that the current surge is not just for cases of additional test results.
Believing that the Halloween gathering contributed to the increase in numbers this month, state health officials said the numbers again about a week for an extended family and friends indoor Thanksgiving gathering without mask-like precautions. I’m afraid that it could surge in.
Ohio map of COVID-19 cases by county
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