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Required Exercise: New Guidelines from the World Health Organization

Required Exercise: New Guidelines from the World Health Organization


The organization has published new physical activity guidelines that encourage adults to undergo at least 150 minutes (ie 2.5 hours) of moderate to intense physical activity each week.

WHO has previously recommended that adults aged 18-64 years exercise at least 150 minutes of moderate or at least 75 minutes of strenuous exercise each week, and these previous recommendations have been made for healthy adults. It was. New recommendations now include people with chronic illnesses or disabilities.

“Physically active is important for health and well-being — it can help add life to life for years and years,” said WHO Executive Director Tedros Adhanom. Dr. Adhanom said in a news release. “Every move is important, especially now that we are managing the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic. We all need to move safely and creatively every day.”

Regardless of who you are, WHO keeps some basic principles in mind: everyone can benefit from being more active than those who tend to sit down. Whatever it is, doing some physical activity is better than doing nothing. You can start small and slowly and increase frequency, intensity, and duration over time. You can strengthen your muscles at home or in the gym (if safe). And physical activity is good for our mind, body, and mind.

What children and adolescents need

According to the new recommendations, children up to the age of 17 need at least 60 minutes of moderate to intense exercise daily. Most activities should be aerobic exercise, such as jogging or cycling. You also need activities to strengthen your muscles and bones.

Dr. Stephanie Walsh, Medical Director of Child Wellness at Children’s Healthcare in Atlanta, needs to recognize activity options as fun in addition to having access and opportunities for children to be more active. There is. If you’re working with children, try referring to “exercise” in terms of going out or playing.

If your child finds it boring to walk, do a scavenger hunt or play ISpy to make it more fun. Youth can listen to music, video chat and use the fitness app.

“In general, children / adolescents always report that they want to do physical activity for the following purposes: 1) being with friends 2) having fun 3) learning something new,” said pediatric physiology and health. Professor of Pediatric Health Exercise Research Center, University of Exeter, UK, via email.

Williams said he would continue to work together, mix it up, encourage it, and adjust what went wrong. Dance if you don’t like running, roller skating if you don’t want to walk. In addition, encourage children to become aware of their feelings. If the children were sweating hard and breathing, it worked.

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Young people are at immediate risk of mental health problems rather than chronic heart and metabolic conditions.

If you’re trying to get your teens more active, encouraging them to exercise with mental health in mind may be more effective than warning them about their effects on physical health. “It may look far to the hearts of young people.” E-mailed by Joseph Hayes, Principal Researcher in Psychiatry, University College London.

Fun and non-competitive activities help children develop confidence, ability and enjoyment to “work for the rest of their lives,” Walsh said, influencing self-esteem, mood and academic performance.

Guidance for adults

For adults up to 64 years, early death, heart disease, hypertension, cancer, type 2 with at least 150-300 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise or 75-150 minutes of intense aerobic exercise per week You can reduce your risk of diabetes. , According to the report.

The guidelines recommend that older people aged 65 and over should do at least 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity exercise or 75-150 minutes of intense aerobic exercise throughout the week.

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All muscle-building exercises should be done at least twice a week. The same guidance applies to older people as much as possible, but prioritizing balance, strength training A few days a week. These help prevent falls and related injuries, as well as loss of bone health and capacity.

Work and family efforts, Dr. Adnan Qureshi, a professor of neurology at the Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Institute and the University of Missouri, Columbia, said medical conditions and isolation can prevent people from achieving their goals.

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“Large indoor meetings are not recommended at this time, but outdoor activities are still a good option,” said Yian Gu, an assistant professor of neuroscience at Columbia University’s Department of Neuroscience in New York City. Stated. Email. “There are also many options for family indoor activities, such as aerobic exercise (and) table tennis.”

Cresi says that participation can be enhanced in a few steps.

  • Understand how physical activity can improve your quality of life.
  • Connect your activities to other passions, such as interacting with people, nature and technology.
  • Quantify the time spent and the distance covered.
  • Include activities in regularly scheduled routines.
  • Consider the barriers to achieving your goals and find strategies to overcome them with your healthcare professional.
  • Note the benefits achieved.

“We need to balance potential safety risks and people need to be careful depending on their underlying health,” said Dr. Richard Marottli, a physician and professor of medicine at Yale University School of Medicine in Connecticut. There is. ” “Check with your clinician before starting retirement home.”

Advice for pregnant and postpartum women

Staying active during and after pregnancy benefits both mothers and babies, including reduced risk of gestational diabetes, labor complications, and postpartum depression.

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If pregnant and postpartum women have no underlying condition or complications, they should report at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic and strengthening activity each week. Stretching can be beneficial and calming.

However, pregnant women should be aware of warning signs that warn them to ensure hydration, avoid physically dangerous activities, and stop. These include dizziness, painful contractions, or vaginal bleeding.

Guidelines for people with chronic illness

A healthy lifestyle is still possible Even if you have a chronic illness, WHO report emphasized.

“Some people with chronic illness may have difficulty performing some of the recommended types and amounts of physical activity and risk concerns, so they may avoid all physical activity together. There is. ”Public Health Society.

“The types of physical activity you may be able to do may be different, but there are still benefits.”

Among people with illnesses like cancer and heart disease Physical activity You can reduce the risk of premature death, disease progression, and poor quality of life.
To reduce the risk of cancer, move more and skip cocktails and steaks, the guidelines say.

People with chronic illness should, whenever possible, do moderate aerobics for at least 150-300 minutes a week or intense aerobics for at least 75-150 minutes a week. Several times a week, they need to do strengthening and balancing exercises to improve their ability to function well and prevent falls.

Tips for people with disabilities

According to a pediatrician or disability expert, children with physical or intellectual disabilities are subject to the main guidelines for children without disabilities — when the benefits outweigh the possible risks. activity It can be especially beneficial to people with cognitive impairment such as attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder.
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For adults with disabilities, activities can improve physical and cognitive function, physical fitness and quality of life. The guidelines for adults also apply to adults with disabilities.

There is plenty of evidence of the effects of sedentary and active behavior, but reports show little about the consequences of poorly serviced areas and people with disabilities.

“It’s nice to see WHO support this, but recognizing that physical activity is a very important marker of health and well-being is not only medical but also economic and cultural. May also help incorporate its importance into society, “said Williams Excelter of the University.

After all, he added that the move was “designed to be done by our skeleton.”


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