1 year since the pandemic: A wave of fake news spread false information about the COVID-19 vaccine
Some conspiracy theorists believe that the coronavirus pandemic is part of a hoax or elite program masterminded by Bill Gates and others to control the population.
As early as February, as the pandemic spreads rapidly, the World Health Organization warned about “information epidemics,” fake news waves, and false information about deadly new illnesses on social media. ..
Hope is hanging now COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Vaccines, WHO, and experts warn that these same phenomena could jeopardize the development of vaccination programs aimed at ending suffering.
” Coronavirus Illness is the first pandemic in history, with extensive use of technology and social media to keep people safe, informative, productive and connected, “says WHO.
“At the same time, the technology we rely on to stay connected and informed enables and amplifies information epidemics that continue to undermine global response and jeopardize measures to control pandemics. I am. “
More than 1.4 million people have died since the pandemic in China at the end of last year, but three developers have already applied for vaccine approval in December.
But in an era when social media was both an informational and false tool for viruses, as well as logistics, the government must face skepticism about vaccines developed at record speed.
WHO has defined information demics as over-information both online and offline, including “intentional attempts to disseminate false information.”
US President Donald Trump is the largest in the world, according to a survey by Cornell University in the United States last month. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Incorrect information during the pandemic.
In April, Trump considered the possibility of using antiseptics in the body to treat the virus and promoted unproven treatments.
Since January, AFP has published over 2,000 fact-checking articles that dismantle false claims about the novel. Coronavirus ..
“Without proper trust and correct information, diagnostic tests will not be used, vaccination campaigns (or campaigns to promote effective vaccines) will not reach their goals, and the virus will continue to thrive,” WHO said. Stated.
Unmatched scale
With three vaccine developers at the forefront, Pfizer / BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca / Oxford University, some governments are already planning to launch vaccination against the most vulnerable vaccines this year.
But as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or WhatsApp act as a vector of suspicious facts and fake news, “disinformation is now immeasurable,” said Rennes 2 University’s Social Psychology. Researcher Sylvain Delouvee said.
Rory Smith, the first draft of the disinformation prevention website, agreed.
“From an informational point of view, ( Coronavirus The Crisis) not only emphasizes the magnitude of false information around the world, but more broadly emphasizes the negative impact of false information on confidence in vaccines, institutions and scientific discoveries. ” Stated.
Rachel O’Brien, head of the WHO’s vaccination department, said he was concerned that the false information disseminated by the so-called “anti-vaccinator” movement could discourage people from vaccination. Coronavirus ..
“We are very worried about it and know that people are getting information from trusted sources and that there is a lot of information that is intentionally wrong or unintentionally wrong. I’m worried about that, “she told AFP.
Vaccine repellent
Stephen Wilson, a professor at Brandeis University and co-author of a study titled “Social Media and Vaccine Hesitation,” published last month in the British Medical Journal, linked online disinformation campaigns to reduced vaccination. I saw.
“My fear of the impact of disinformation on social media is COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Even if fear has no scientific basis, more people will hesitate to get vaccinated. “
“Every vaccine is as effective as our ability to deploy it in a population.”
For example, among the more eccentric claims made by conspiracy theorists, there is a novel. Coronavirus The pandemic is part of a hoax or elite program masterminded by Bill Gates and others to manage the population.
And the vaccination program is a shield for implanting fine chips in people to monitor them, the group says.
Such concepts were developed at record speeds, especially when pollsters showed that people in some countries, such as Sweden and France, were already skeptical of taking the vaccine. Fertile lands can be found when long-term studies are not yet available, their effectiveness and possible side effects.
Increased distrust
A poll by Ipsos last month suggested that only 54% of French would immunize themselves. Coronavirus , 10 percentage points lower than the United States, 22 points lower than Canada, and 33 points lower than India.
In 15 countries, 73% say they are willing to get vaccinated COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears , 4 percentage points lower than the previous poll in August.
But it’s not just vaccines. Experts say more and more people are expressing distrust of the facility.
The “common theme” among conspiracy theorists is that “our” elite “is lying to us,” said Delouvee of the University of Rennes-2.
Disinformation is based on growing distrust of all institutional authorities, whether government or scientific.
“When people do not have easy access to reliable information about vaccines, and when there is a high degree of distrust of vaccine-related stakeholders and agencies, stories of false information flood in to fill the void,” the first draft. The report said.
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